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Ergebnis der Suche nach: woe="Actor-Network-Theory" AND Catalog=dnb
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

311 - 315 von 315
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Artikel 311 The "Studies in Ethnomethodology" Are a Way of Understanding and Handling Empirical Materials and Thoughts. Eric Laurier in Conversation With Hannes Krämer, Dominik Gerst & René Salomon
Enthalten in Forum qualitative Sozialforschung Bd. 20, 25.05.2019, Nr. 2
Online Ressource
Artikel 312 Tierische Conquistadoren
In: Helden Zählung: 4,1 (2016): 91-101
Online Ressource
Artikel 313 Uncovering Causality in Narratives of Collaboration: Actor-Network Theory and Event Structure Analysis
Enthalten in Forum qualitative Sozialforschung Bd. 13, 14.11.2011, Nr. 1
Online Ressource
Artikel 314 Understanding Responsible Innovation in Small Producers’ Clusters in Vietnam through Actor-Network Theory
In: The European journal of development research Bd. 27, 7.8.2014, Nr. 2, date:4.2015: 289-307
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Artikel 315 Using Actor-Network Theory to Characterize the Production of Ancient Maya Caching Events at Cerro Maya (Cerros, Belize)
Enthalten in Journal of archaeological method and theory Bd. 28, 22.10.2020, Nr. 4, date:12.2021: 1027-1057
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311 - 315 von 315
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