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Ergebnis der Suche nach: tit all "A Model of Leptons"
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Artikel 1 A Modification of Projective Spacetime by Finite Self‐Interaction Models of Virtual Leptons and Quarks and the Electroweak GWS Standard Model
Enthalten in Annalen der Physik Bd. 498, 2006, Nr. 1‐2: 17-44. 28 S.
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Bücher 2 Towards a realistic composite model of quarks and leptons
Li, Xiaoyuan. - Hamburg : DESY, 1985
Vorhanden in Leipzig Vorhanden in Frankfurt
Artikel 3 Some rare processes in a model of composite quarks and leptons
Enthalten in Zeitschrift für Physik / C / Particles and fields Bd. 13, Nr. 4, date:12.1982: 321-324
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Bücher 4 Some rare processes in a model of composite quarks and leptons
Zhu, Z. Y.. - Hamburg : Dt. Elektronen-Synchrotron, 1981
Vorhanden in Leipzig
Artikel 5 A multi-channel model of weak scattering of leptons
Enthalten in Czechoslovak journal of physics Bd. 14, Nr. 11, date:11.1964: 810-816
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Artikel 6 A model of vector-like leptons for the muon $$g-2$$ g - 2 and the W boson mass
Enthalten in The European physical journal / C / Particles and fields Bd. 82, 2.8.2022, Nr. 8, date:8.2022: 1-9
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Artikel 7 A unified model of quarks and leptons with a universal texture zero
In: Journal of high energy physics Bd. 2018, 5.3.2018, Nr. 3, date:3.2018: 1-24
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Artikel 8 Fatjet signatures of heavy neutrinos and heavy leptons in a left-right model with universal seesaw at the HL-LHC
Enthalten in The European physical journal / C / Particles and fields Bd. 84, 7.2.2024, Nr. 2, date:2.2024: 1-24
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Artikel 9 Magnetic moments of leptons, charged lepton flavor violations and dark matter phenomenology of a minimal radiative Dirac neutrino mass model
Enthalten in Journal of high energy physics Bd. 2022, 19.8.2022, Nr. 8, date:8.2022: 1-57
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Artikel 10 Masses and Mixing of Neutral Leptons in a Grand Unified E 6 Model with Intermediate Pati-Salam Symmetry
Enthalten in International journal of theoretical physics Bd. 57, 26.4.2018, Nr. 8, date:8.2018: 2343-2358
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