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Online Ressourcen 1 Continuous Cultural Efficacy
Bigley, Joel. - Saarbrücken : Scholars' Press, 2020, 1. Auflage
Online Ressource
Artikel 2 Controlling the Number of Branches and Surface Facets of Pd‐Core Ru‐Branched Nanoparticles to Make Highly Active Oxygen Evolution Reaction Electrocatalysts
Enthalten in Chemistry - a European journal Bd. 26, 2020, Nr. 67: 15501-15504. 4 S.
Online Ressource
Artikel 3 "To reconcile book and title and make 'em kin to one another"
In: Book history Bd. 2, 1999: [42]-77
Artikel 4 Basic rules of change
In: Journal for general philosophy of science Bd. 21, 1.9.1990, Nr. 2, date:9.1990: 231-257
Online Ressource
Artikel 5 In What Sense Does ‘Nothing Make Sense Except in the Light of Evolution’?
Enthalten in Acta biotheoretica Bd. 57, 6.9.2008, Nr. 1-2, date:6.2009: 11-32
Online Ressource
Artikel 6 Make the most of your samples: Bayes factor estimators for high-dimensional models of sequence evolution
In: BMC bioinformatics Bd. 14, 6.3.2013, Nr. 1, date:12.2013: 1-18
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