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Ergebnis der Suche nach: tit all "Music Analysis and Music Perception"
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Artikel 1 Crucial Music Components Needed for Speech Perception Enhancement of Pediatric Cochlear Implant Users: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Enthalten in Audiology & neurotology Bd. 26, 2021, Nr. 6: 389-413. 25 S.
Online Ressource
Online Ressourcen 2 Visualizing Music Psychology: A Bibliometric Analysis of Psychology of Music, Music Perception, and Musicae Scientiae from 1973 to 2017
Anglada-Tort, Manuel. - Berlin : Technische Universität Berlin, 2019
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Bücher 3 Analysis, Synthesis, and Perception of Musical Sounds
New York, NY : Springer New York, 2010, 1., st Edition. Softcover version of original hardcover edition 2007
Online Ressourcen 4 Analysis, Synthesis, and Perception of Musical Sounds
Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2007
Online Ressource
Bücher 5 The Sound of Music
Woodbury, NY : Springer New York, 2006, 1. Ed.
Artikel 6 The Impact of Cochlear Implant Experience on Music Perception: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Enthalten in Current otorhinolaryngology reports Bd. 10, 4.8.2022, Nr. 3, date:9.2022: 315-321
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