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Ergebnis der Suche nach: tit all "On collective memory"
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

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Online Ressourcen 1 Language Attitudes, Collective Memory and (Trans) National Identity Construction Among the Armenian Diaspora in Bulgaria
Berlin : Peter Lang Verlag, 2024
Online Ressource
Bücher 2 Language attitudes, collective memory and (trans)national identity construction among the Armenian diaspora in Bulgaria
Selvelli, Giustina. - Berlin : Peter Lang, [2024]
Vorhanden in Leipzig Vorhanden in Frankfurt
Online Ressourcen 3 The Representation of World War One in Film and its Effect on Collective Memory
München : GRIN Verlag, 2024, 1. Auflage
Online Ressource
Online Ressourcen 4 The Representation of World War One in Film and its Effect on Collective Memory
München : GRIN Verlag, 2024, 1. Auflage
Online Ressource
Artikel 5 Animated satire and collective memory: reflecting on the American “history wars” with The Simpsons
Enthalten in Humor Bd. 36, 2023, Nr. 4: 567-586. 20 S.
Online Ressource
Artikel 6 The impact of group identity on the interaction between collective memory and collective future thinking negativity: Evidence from a Turkish sample
Enthalten in Memory & cognition 6.6.2022: 1-21
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Artikel 7 Collective Memory and Collective Forgetting: A Comparative Analysis of Second-Generation Somali and Tamil Immigrants and Their Stance on Homeland Politics and Conflict
Enthalten in Qualitative sociology 13.5.2022: 1-24
Online Ressource
Artikel 8 David Defries, From Sithiu to Saint-Bertin. Hagiographic Exegesis and Collective Memory in the Early Medieval Cults of Omer and Bertin. (Studies and Texts, Vol. 219.) Toronto, ON, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies 2019
Enthalten in Historische Zeitschrift Bd. 313, 2021, Nr. 1: 195-197. 3 S.
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Artikel 9 Über Narzissmus und die kollektive Identifikation durch Erinnerungsorte
Enthalten in Geographische Zeitschrift Bd. 109, 2021, Nr. 2-3: 164-181
Online Ressource
Bücher 10 Thoughts on things forgotten
Schmid, Georg. - Berlin : Peter Lang, [2018]
Vorhanden in Leipzig Vorhanden in Frankfurt

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