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Ergebnis der Suche nach: tit all "Plant Tissue Culture Media"
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Artikel 1 Media derived from brown seaweeds Cystoseira myriophylloides and Fucus spiralis for in vitro plant tissue culture
In: Plant cell, tissue and organ culture 27.10.2016: 1-10
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Artikel 2 Gum katira – a cheap gelling agent for plant tissue culture media
Enthalten in Plant cell, tissue and organ culture Bd. 71, Nr. 3, date:12.2002: 223-229
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Artikel 3 Determination of oxygen profiles in agar-based gelled in vitro plant tissue culture media
Enthalten in Plant cell, tissue and organ culture Bd. 65, Nr. 3, date:6.2001: 239-245
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Artikel 4 Changes of 6-benzylaminopurine and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid concentrations in plant tissue culture media in the presence of activated charcoal
Enthalten in Plant cell, tissue and organ culture Bd. 33, Nr. 2, date:5.1993: 157-162
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Artikel 5 Avoidance of precipitation and carbohydrate breakdown in autoclaved plant tissue culture media
Enthalten in Plant cell reports Bd. 10, Nr. 3, date:6.1991: 115-119
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Artikel 6 Assessment of the changes of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid concentrations in plant tissue culture media in the presence of activated charcoal
Enthalten in Plant cell, tissue and organ culture Bd. 20, Nr. 3, date:3.1990: 165-172
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Artikel 7 Influence of cultural and physiochemical factors on ascorbate stability in plant tissue culture media
Enthalten in Plant cell, tissue and organ culture Bd. 20, Nr. 2, date:2.1990: 131-135
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Artikel 8 Alginate-based solid media for plant tissue culture
Enthalten in Applied microbiology and biotechnology Bd. 31, Nr. 1, date:7.1989: 79-83
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Artikel 9 Plant tissue culture media: Major constitutents, their preparation and some applications
Enthalten in Methods in cell science Bd. 3, Nr. 1, date:3.1977: 539-548
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Artikel 10 Achieving desired plant growth regulator levels in liquid plant tissue culture media that include activated carbon
Enthalten in Plant cell reports Bd. 24, 10.3.2005, Nr. 4, date:6.2005: 201-208
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