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Ergebnis der Suche nach: tit all "Space–Time Covariance Functions"
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

1 - 4 von 4
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Artikel 1 Geostatistical stationary space-time covariance functions modeling of Yellow Sigatoka progress in banana crop
Enthalten in Australasian plant pathology 6.2.2019: 1-12
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Artikel 2 A Unified View of Space–Time Covariance Functions Through Gelfand Pairs
Enthalten in The journal of Fourier analysis and applications Bd. 26, 20.11.2020, Nr. 6, date:12.2020: 1-26
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Artikel 3 Revised and wider classes of isotropic space-time covariance functions
Enthalten in Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment Bd. 37, 9.9.2023, Nr. 12, date:12.2023: 4941-4962
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Artikel 4 Simulating space-time random fields with nonseparable Gneiting-type covariance functions
Enthalten in Statistics and computing Bd. 30, 29.6.2020, Nr. 5, date:9.2020: 1479-1495
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1 - 4 von 4
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