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Titel Combination of differential D∗± cross-section measurements in deep-inelastic ep scattering at HERA
Person(en) Abramowicz, Halina (Sonstige)
Abt, I. (Sonstige)
Adamczyk, L. (Sonstige)
Adamus, M. (Sonstige)
Andreev, V. (Sonstige)
Antonelli, S. (Sonstige)
Aushev, V. (Sonstige)
Aushev, Y. (Sonstige)
Baghdasaryan, A. (Sonstige)
Begzsuren, K. (Sonstige)
Behnke, O. (Sonstige)
Behrens, U. (Sonstige)
Belousov, A. (Sonstige)
Bertolin, A. (Sonstige)
Bloch, I. (Sonstige)
Boos, E. G. (Sonstige)
Borras, K. (Sonstige)
Boudry, V. (Sonstige)
Brandt, G. (Sonstige)
Brisson, V. (Sonstige)
Britzger, D. (Sonstige)
Brock, I. (Sonstige)
Brook, N. H. (Sonstige)
Brugnera, R. (Sonstige)
Bruni, A. (Sonstige)
Buniatyan, A. (Sonstige)
Bussey, P. J. (Sonstige)
Bylinkin, A. (Sonstige)
Bystritskaya, L. (Sonstige)
Caldwell, A. (Sonstige)
Campbell, A. J. (Sonstige)
Avila, K. B. Cantun (Sonstige)
Capua, M. (Sonstige)
Catterall, C. D. (Sonstige)
Ceccopieri, F. (Sonstige)
Cerny, K. (Sonstige)
Chekelian, V. (Sonstige)
Chwastowski, J. (Sonstige)
Ciborowski, J. (Sonstige)
Ciesielski, R. (Sonstige)
Contreras, J. G. (Sonstige)
Cooper-Sarkar, A. M. (Sonstige)
Corradi, M. (Sonstige)
Corriveau, F. (Sonstige)
Cvach, J. (Sonstige)
Dainton, J. B. (Sonstige)
Daum, K. (Sonstige)
Dementiev, R. K. (Sonstige)
Devenish, R. C. E. (Sonstige)
Diaconu, C. (Sonstige)
Dobre, M. (Sonstige)
Dodonov, V. (Sonstige)
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Dusini, S. (Sonstige)
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GABATHULER, E. (Sonstige)
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Gizhko, A. (Sonstige)
Gladilin, L. K. (Sonstige)
Goerlich, L. (Sonstige)
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Golubkov, Yu. A. (Sonstige)
Gouzevitch, M. (Sonstige)
Grab, C. (Sonstige)
Grebenyuk, A. (Sonstige)
Grebenyuk, J. (Sonstige)
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Haidt, D. (Sonstige)
Hain, W. (Sonstige)
Henderson, R. C. W. (Sonstige)
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Iga, Y. (Sonstige)
Ishitsuka, M. (Sonstige)
Iudin, A. (Sonstige)
Jacquet, M. (Sonstige)
Janssen, X. (Sonstige)
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Jomhari, N. Z. (Sonstige)
Jung, A. W. (Sonstige)
Jung, Hannes (Sonstige)
Kadenko, I. (Sonstige)
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Kretzschmar, J. (Sonstige)
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Krupa, B. (Sonstige)
Kuprash, O. (Sonstige)
Kuze, M. (Sonstige)
Landon, M. P. J. (Sonstige)
Lange, W. (Sonstige)
Laycock, P. (Sonstige)
Lebedev, A. (Sonstige)
Levchenko, B. B. (Sonstige)
Levonian, S. (Sonstige)
Levy, A. (Sonstige)
Libov, V. (Sonstige)
Limentani, S. (Sonstige)
Lipka, K. (Sonstige)
Lisovyi, M. (Sonstige)
List, B. (Sonstige)
List, J. (Sonstige)
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Lohrmann, E. (Sonstige)
Longhin, A. (Sonstige)
Lontkovskyi, D. (Sonstige)
Lukina, O. Yu (Sonstige)
Makarenko, I. (Sonstige)
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Martyn, H.-U (Sonstige)
Maxfield, S. J. (Sonstige)
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Paul, E. (Sonstige)
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Schmitt, S. (Sonstige)
Schneekloth, U. (Sonstige)
Schoeffel, L. (Sonstige)
Schöning, André (Sonstige)
Schörner-Sadenius, T. (Sonstige)
Sefkow, F. (Sonstige)
Shcheglova, L. M. (Sonstige)
Shevchenko, R. (Sonstige)
Shkola, O. (Sonstige)
Shushkevich, S. (Sonstige)
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Singh, I. (Sonstige)
Skillicorn, I. O. (Sonstige)
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Turcato, M. (Sonstige)
Turkot, O. (Sonstige)
Turnau, J. (Sonstige)
Tymieniecka, T. (Sonstige)
Valkárová, A. (Sonstige)
Vallée, C. (Sonstige)
Mechelen, P. Van (Sonstige)
Vazdik, Y. (Sonstige)
Verbytskyi, A. (Sonstige)
Viazlo, O. (Sonstige)
Walczak, R. (Sonstige)
Wan Abdullah, W. A. T. (Sonstige)
Wegener, D. (Sonstige)
Wichmann, K. (Sonstige)
Wing, M. (Sonstige)
Wolf, Günter (Sonstige)
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Yamazaki, Y. (Sonstige)
Žáček, J. (Sonstige)
Zakharchuk, N. (Sonstige)
Żarnecki, A. F. (Sonstige)
Zawiejski, L. (Sonstige)
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Zhang, Z. (Sonstige)
Zhautykov, B. O. (Sonstige)
Zhmak, N. (Sonstige)
Žlebčík, R. (Sonstige)
Zohrabyan, H. (Sonstige)
Zomer, F. (Sonstige)
Zotkin, D. S. (Sonstige)
Organisation(en) The H1 and ZEUS collaborations (Verfasser)
SpringerLink (Online service) (Sonstige)
Umfang/Format Online-Ressource : online resource.
Persistent Identifier URN: urn:nbn:de:1111-201711207530
DOI: 10.1007/JHEP09(2015)149
URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/JHEP09(2015)149 (Open Access)
Zeitliche Einordnung Erscheinungsdatum: 2015
Sprache(n) Englisch (eng)
Beziehungen In: Journal of high energy physics (Bd. 2015, 22.9.2015, Nr. 9, date:9.2015: 1-32)
Sachgruppe(n) 530 Physik

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