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Link zu diesem Datensatz | https://d-nb.info/1166203441 |
Titel | Patterns, perceptions, and perceived barriers to physical activity in adult cancer survivors / by Lawson Eng, Dan Pringle, Jie Su, XiaoWei Shen, Mary Mahler, Chongya Niu, Rebecca Charow, Kyoko Tiessen, Christine Lam, Oleksandr Halytskyy, Hiten Naik, Henrique Hon, Margaret Irwin, Vivien Pat, Christina Gonos, Catherine Chan, Jodie Villeneuve, Luke Harland, Ravi M. Shani, M. Catherine Brown, Peter Selby, Doris Howell, Wei Xu, Geoffrey Liu, Shabbir M. H. Alibhai, Jennifer M. Jones |
Person(en) |
Eng, Lawson (Verfasser) Pringle, Dan (Sonstige) Su, Jie (Sonstige) Shen, XiaoWei (Sonstige) Mahler, Mary (Sonstige) Niu, Chongya (Sonstige) Charow, Rebecca (Sonstige) Tiessen, Kyoko (Sonstige) Lam, Christine (Sonstige) Halytskyy, Oleksandr (Sonstige) Naik, Hiten (Sonstige) Hon, Henrique (Sonstige) Irwin, Margaret (Sonstige) Pat, Vivien (Sonstige) Gonos, Christina (Sonstige) Chan, Catherine (Sonstige) Villeneuve, Jodie (Sonstige) Harland, Luke (Sonstige) Shani, Ravi M. (Sonstige) Brown, M. Catherine (Sonstige) Selby, Peter (Sonstige) Howell, Doris (Sonstige) Xu, Wei (Sonstige) Liu, Geoffrey (Sonstige) Alibhai, Shabbir M. H. (Sonstige) Jones, Jennifer M. (Sonstige) |
Organisation(en) | SpringerLink (Online service) (Sonstige) |
Umfang/Format | Online-Ressource : online resource. |
Persistent Identifier |
URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2018090418212055387935 DOI: 10.1007/s00520-018-4239-5 |
URL | http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00520-018-4239-5 |
Zeitliche Einordnung | Erscheinungsdatum: 2018 |
DDC-Notation | 616.994 (maschinell ermittelte DDC-Kurznotation) |
Sprache(n) | Englisch (eng) |
Beziehungen | Enthalten in: Supportive care in cancer (29.5.2018: 1-9) |
Sachgruppe(n) | 610 Medizin, Gesundheit |
Online-Zugriff | Archivobjekt öffnen |