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Ergebnis der Suche nach: nid=170169723

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Link zu diesem Datensatz https://d-nb.info/gnd/170169723
Person Peterson, Paul E.
Akademischer Grad Prof. Dr.
Geschlecht männlich
Quelle Internet (Stand: 14.05.2018): http://paulepeterson.org/peterson/biography
Homepage: http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~pepeters/index.htm
Zeit Lebensdaten: 1940-
Land USA (XD-US)
Beruf(e) Politologe
Weitere Angaben PhD in political science, University of Chicago, 1967. Henry Lee Shattuck Professor of Government, 1989-; Directs the Harvard Program on Education Policy and Governance, 1995-, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA. Senior Fellow, 2000-, Hoover Institution, Stanford University. Senior Editor of Education Next, a journal of opinion and research, 2001-. Director, Governmental Studies, The Brookings Institution, 1983-1987. Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor, Departments of Political Science and Education and the College, University of Chicago, 1967-1983
Typ Person (piz)

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