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Ergebnis der Suche nach: nid=51044-0

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Link zu diesem Datensatz https://d-nb.info/gnd/51044-0
Organisation Danish Government Institute of Seed Pathology for Developing Countries
Andere Namen DGISP (Abkürzung)
Institute of Seed Pathology for Developing Countries
Quelle Homepage: http://www.dgisp.kvl.dk
Land Dänemark (XA-DK)
Weitere Angaben "The Institute of Seed Pathology is a Danida-funded project, established in 1966 and since 1991 affiliated with KVL. The Institute is an educational centre catering for the needs of the developing countries in the field of seed pathology." Sitz: wahrscheinlich zunächst Hellerup, 2002 als Sitz Frederiksberg erm.
Typ Organisation (kiz)

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