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Ergebnis der Suche nach: idn=001321536

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Organisation Timber Research and Development Association
Andere Namen TRADA (Abkürzung)
Quelle Homepage (Stand: 06.04.2020): https://www.trada.co.uk
Land Großbritannien (XA-GB)
Vorgänger Timber Development Association
Geografischer Bezug Ort: High Wycombe
Weitere Angaben "In the mid 1990s and following a management buyout of TRADA’s operating companies, the testing, inspection and certification services were grouped together under the three brands, BM TRADA Certification, Chiltern International Fire and TRADA Technology.... In 2013, these three businesses came together and rebranded as BM TRADA."
Beziehungen zu Organisationen TRADA Technology Ltd
Typ Organisation (kiz)

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