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Titel 19th biennial IPEG Meeting : Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 26-30 October 2016
Person(en) Adamczyk, Marek (Sonstige)
Ahnaou, A. (Sonstige)
Alvarez-Jimenez, Ricardo (Sonstige)
Armenise, Silvia (Sonstige)
Arns, Martijn (Sonstige)
Babiloni, Claudio (Sonstige)
Barulli, Orietta (Sonstige)
Bentley, Darren (Sonstige)
Bevilacqua, Vitoantonio (Sonstige)
Boutros, Nash (Sonstige)
Boutros, Nash N. (Sonstige)
Brandeis, Daniel (Sonstige)
Brunetti, Antonio (Sonstige)
Buenza, Grazia (Sonstige)
Buján, Ana (Sonstige)
Cardinali, Valentina (Sonstige)
Clausen, Bettina (Sonstige)
Comley, Robert (Sonstige)
Cordone, Susanna (Sonstige)
da Silva, Fernando Lopes (Sonstige)
Del Percio, Claudio (Sonstige)
Demuru, Matteo (Sonstige)
Derks, Michael (Sonstige)
Dohrmann, Anna-Lena (Sonstige)
Fabene, P. F. (Sonstige)
Ferri, Raffaele (Sonstige)
Frisoni, Giovanni B. (Sonstige)
Garcés, Pilar (Sonstige)
Geladé, Katleen (Sonstige)
Gerrits, Berrie (Sonstige)
Gesualdo, Loreto (Sonstige)
Giannini, Antonio (Sonstige)
Gordon, Evian (Sonstige)
Gouw, Alida A. (Sonstige)
Groeneveld, Geert Jan (Sonstige)
Hegerl, Ulrich (Sonstige)
Hernandez, Maria-Clemancia (Sonstige)
Heslenfeld, Dirk J. (Sonstige)
Hillebrand, Arjan (Sonstige)
Hipp, Joerg F. (Sonstige)
Hofmeijer, Jeannette (Sonstige)
Iseger, T. A. (Sonstige)
Janssen, Tieme W. P. (Sonstige)
Jensen, Ole (Sonstige)
Kenemans, J. L. (Sonstige)
Kenemans, Leon (Sonstige)
Kessels, Roy (Sonstige)
Kirsten, Alexandra (Sonstige)
Knoflach, Frédéric (Sonstige)
Landolt, Hans-Peter (Sonstige)
Lennon-Chrimes, Sian (Sonstige)
Linkenkaer-Hansen, Klaus (Sonstige)
Lizio, Roberta (Sonstige)
Logroscino, Giancarlo (Sonstige)
Loo, Sandra K. (Sonstige)
Mansvelder, Huibert D. (Sonstige)
Maras, Athanasios (Sonstige)
Millán-Calenti, José Carlos (Sonstige)
Mikoteit, Thorsten (Sonstige)
Nave, Stephane (Sonstige)
Nissen, Ida A. (Sonstige)
Nobili, Flavio (Sonstige)
Noldeke, Jana (Sonstige)
Olbrich, Sebastian (Sonstige)
Oostenveld, Robert (Sonstige)
Oosterlaan, Jaap (Sonstige)
Palmer, Donna (Sonstige)
Pawlowski, Marcel A. (Sonstige)
Poil, Simon-Shlomo (Sonstige)
Reijneveld, Jaap C. (Sonstige)
Ris, Peterjan (Sonstige)
Sander, Christian (Sonstige)
Scheltens, Philip (Sonstige)
Schoffelen, Jan Mathijs (Sonstige)
Scianatico, Gaetano (Sonstige)
Seneca, Nick (Sonstige)
Simpraga, Sonja (Sonstige)
Soricelli, Andrea (Sonstige)
Spagnolo, Pantaleo (Sonstige)
Stam, Cornelis J. (Sonstige)
Surova, Galina (Sonstige)
Tattoli, Giacomo (Sonstige)
Timofeev, Igor (Sonstige)
Tjepkema-Cloostermans, Marleen C. (Sonstige)
Tortelli, Rosanna (Sonstige)
Triggiani, Antonio Ivano (Sonstige)
Trube, Gerhard (Sonstige)
van Gerven, Joop M. A. (Sonstige)
van Mourik, Rosa (Sonstige)
van Putten, Michel J. A. M. (Sonstige)
van Straaten, Ilse E. C. W. (Sonstige)
Vollebregt, Madelon A. (Sonstige)
Wandel, Christoph (Sonstige)
WThomas, Andrew (Sonstige)
Steiger, Axel (Sonstige)
Kas, Martien J. (Sonstige)
van Aerde, Karlijn I. (Sonstige)
van Rijn, Clementina M. (Sonstige)
Jongsma, Marijtje L. A. (Sonstige)
van den Broek, Philip L. C. (Sonstige)
van Egmond, Jan (Sonstige)
Walsh, C. (Sonstige)
Raeymaekers, L. (Sonstige)
Biermans, R. (Sonstige)
Manyakov, N. V. (Sonstige)
Wintmolders, C. (Sonstige)
Bottelbergs, A. (Sonstige)
Van Kolen, K. (Sonstige)
Moechars, D. (Sonstige)
Kemp, J. A. (Sonstige)
Drinkenburg, W. H. (Sonstige)
Marzano, Nicola (Sonstige)
Lopez, Susanna (Sonstige)
Noce, Giuseppe (Sonstige)
Bagnoli, Cristina (Sonstige)
Rossini, Paolo Maria (Sonstige)
Nobili, Flavio Mariano (Sonstige)
Faz, David Bartres (Sonstige)
Blin, Olivier (Sonstige)
Payoux, Pierre (Sonstige)
Bordet, Régis (Sonstige)
Mueller, Bernhard (Sonstige)
Tsolaki, Magda (Sonstige)
Parnetti, Lucilla (Sonstige)
Hensch, Tilman (Sonstige)
Dukart, Juergen (Sonstige)
Bertolino, Alessandro (Sonstige)
Forloni, Gianluigi (Sonstige)
Frasca, Angelisa (Sonstige)
Richardson, Jill (Sonstige)
Bastlund, Jesper Frank (Sonstige)
Bentivoglio, Marina (Sonstige)
Fabene, Paolo Francesco (Sonstige)
Bertini, Giuseppe (Sonstige)
Kelley, Jonathan (Sonstige)
Drinkenburg, Wilhelmus (Sonstige)
Frisoni, Giovanni (Sonstige)
Salisbury, Dean F. (Sonstige)
Coffman, Brian A. (Sonstige)
Murphy, Timothy (Sonstige)
Haigh, Sarah M. (Sonstige)
Anderer, Peter (Sonstige)
Gruber, Georg (Sonstige)
Parapatics, Silvia (Sonstige)
Saletu-Zyhlarz, Gerda M. (Sonstige)
Saletu, Bernd (Sonstige)
Dorffner, Georg (Sonstige)
Jepma, Marieke (Sonstige)
Nieuwenhuis, Sander (Sonstige)
Schutte, Iris (Sonstige)
Heitland, Ivo (Sonstige)
Kenemans, J Leon (Sonstige)
Sambeth, Anke (Sonstige)
Timmermann, Christopher (Sonstige)
Kaelen, Mendel (Sonstige)
Schenberg, Eduardo (Sonstige)
Feilding, Amanda (Sonstige)
Leech, Robert (Sonstige)
Nutt, David (Sonstige)
Carhart-Harris, Robin (Sonstige)
Muthukumaraswamy, Suresh (Sonstige)
Palenicek, Tomas (Sonstige)
Tyls, Filip (Sonstige)
Viktorinova, Michaela (Sonstige)
Bravermanova, Anna (Sonstige)
Androvicova, Renata (Sonstige)
Sedlamyerova, Vaclava (Sonstige)
Krajca, Vladimir (Sonstige)
Brunovsky, Martin (Sonstige)
Valle, M. (Sonstige)
Maqueda, A. E. (Sonstige)
Romero, S. (Sonstige)
Mañanas, M. A. (Sonstige)
Barker, S. (Sonstige)
Riba, J. (Sonstige)
Horáček, Jiří (Sonstige)
Sos, Peter (Sonstige)
Höschl, Cyril (Sonstige)
Perenboom, Matthijs J. L. (Sonstige)
Yang, Yuan (Sonstige)
van der Helm, Frans C. T. (Sonstige)
Ferrari, Michel D. (Sonstige)
Schouten, Alfred C. (Sonstige)
Tolner, Else A. (Sonstige)
Rosipal, Roman (Sonstige)
Trejo, Leonardo Jose (Sonstige)
Wallerius, John (Sonstige)
Apparies, Ross (Sonstige)
Cimrova, Barbora (Sonstige)
Miller, James (Sonstige)
Zobeiri, Mehrnoush (Sonstige)
Chaudhary, Rahul (Sonstige)
Lütjohann, Annika (Sonstige)
Meuth, Patrick (Sonstige)
Pape, Hans-Christian (Sonstige)
Chetkovich, Dane M. (Sonstige)
van Luijtelaar, Gilles (Sonstige)
Budde, Thomas (Sonstige)
Jacob, S. (Sonstige)
Tahon, K. (Sonstige)
Balschun, D. (Sonstige)
Koprivova, J. (Sonstige)
Saifutdinova, E. (Sonstige)
Nekovarova, T. (Sonstige)
Raszka, M. (Sonstige)
Prasko, J. (Sonstige)
Bonanni, L. (Sonstige)
Franciotti, R. (Sonstige)
Falasca, N. W. (Sonstige)
Nobili, F. (Sonstige)
Arnaldi, D. (Sonstige)
Onofrj, M. (Sonstige)
Donse, Lana (Sonstige)
Sack, Alexander T. (Sonstige)
Fitzgerald, Paul B. (Sonstige)
Thiebes, Stephanie (Sonstige)
Leicht, Gregor (Sonstige)
Ćurić, Stjepan (Sonstige)
Steinmann, Saskia (Sonstige)
Polomac, Nenad (Sonstige)
Eichler, Iris (Sonstige)
Eichler, Lars (Sonstige)
Zöllner, Christian (Sonstige)
Gallinat, Jürgen (Sonstige)
Hanganu-Opatz, Ileana (Sonstige)
Mulert, Christoph (Sonstige)
Swatzyna, Ronald J. (Sonstige)
Tarnow, Jay D. (Sonstige)
TURNER, ROBERT P. (Sonstige)
Roark, Alexandra J. (Sonstige)
MacInerney, Erin K. (Sonstige)
Kozlowski, Gerald P. (Sonstige)
Perescis, Martin F. J. (Sonstige)
de Bruin, Natasja (Sonstige)
Heijink, Liesbeth (Sonstige)
Kruse, Chris (Sonstige)
Vinogradova, Lyudmila (Sonstige)
Lüttjohann, Annika (Sonstige)
Ranzi, Paolo (Sonstige)
Freund, Jan A. (Sonstige)
Thiel, Christiane M. (Sonstige)
Herrmann, Christoph S. (Sonstige)
Huysmans, H. (Sonstige)
Azadi, Parissa (Sonstige)
Hollup, Stig (Sonstige)
Korcak, Jakub (Sonstige)
Koudelka, Vlastimil (Sonstige)
Bareš, Martin (Sonstige)
Czarik, Eléonore (Sonstige)
Caci, Herve (Sonstige)
Laurent, Jean-Paul (Sonstige)
Deepeshwar, S. (Sonstige)
Manjunath, N. K. (Sonstige)
Avinash, M. (Sonstige)
Dimpfel, Wilfried (Sonstige)
Dupont, Caroline (Sonstige)
Parsons, Brendan (Sonstige)
Brisebois, Hélène (Sonstige)
Szabó, Andrea (Sonstige)
Duveau, V. (Sonstige)
Pouyatos, B. (Sonstige)
Maury, R. (Sonstige)
Mandé-Nidergang, B. (Sonstige)
Bouyssières, C. (Sonstige)
Roucard, C. (Sonstige)
Roche, Y. (Sonstige)
Ferger, Boris (Sonstige)
Voehringer, Patrizia (Sonstige)
Griskova-Bulanova, Inga (Sonstige)
Melynyte, Sigita (Sonstige)
Dapsys, Kastytis (Sonstige)
Voicikas, Aleksandras (Sonstige)
Iseger, Tabitha (Sonstige)
Vejmola, Čestmír (Sonstige)
Kadeřábek, Lukáš (Sonstige)
Piorecká, Václava (Sonstige)
Novák, Tomás (Sonstige)
Kruiper, Caitlyn (Sonstige)
Sommer, Iris E. (Sonstige)
Oranje, Bob (Sonstige)
Menolascino, Shelly M. (Sonstige)
Belgin, Mitchell (Sonstige)
Izzo, Genevieve N. (Sonstige)
Fisher, Lillian E. (Sonstige)
Meyer, Torsten (Sonstige)
Brühl, Annette (Sonstige)
Mohammed, Haitham S. (Sonstige)
Mourad, Iman M. (Sonstige)
Noor, Neveen A. (Sonstige)
Ezz, Heba S. Aboul (Sonstige)
Khadrawy, Yasser A. (Sonstige)
Navid, Muhammad Samran (Sonstige)
Lelic, Dina (Sonstige)
Niazi, Imran Khan (Sonstige)
Holt, Kelly (Sonstige)
Mark, Esben Bolvig (Sonstige)
Drewes, Asbjørn Mohr (Sonstige)
Haavik, Heidi (Sonstige)
de la Salle, Sara (Sonstige)
Choueiry, Joelle (Sonstige)
Impey, Danielle (Sonstige)
Smith, Dylan (Sonstige)
Aidelbaum, Robert (Sonstige)
Baddeley, Ashley (Sonstige)
Hyde, Molly (Sonstige)
Duncan, Brittany (Sonstige)
Piché, Justin (Sonstige)
Rahmani, Noreen (Sonstige)
Ilivitsky, Vadim (Sonstige)
Knott, Verner (Sonstige)
Swart, Jennifer C. (Sonstige)
Määttä, Jessica I. (Sonstige)
Cools, Roshan (Sonstige)
den Ouden, Hanneke E. M. (Sonstige)
Jackson, D. A. (Sonstige)
Veselcic, Peter (Sonstige)
Mollon, Jennifer (Sonstige)
Spanakis, Emmanouil (Sonstige)
Vasileva, Maria (Sonstige)
Wicke, Karsten (Sonstige)
van der Vinne, Nikita (Sonstige)
Vlcek, Premysl (Sonstige)
Kohutova, Barbora (Sonstige)
Polak, Jakub (Sonstige)
Wang, Grace Y. (Sonstige)
Tiffany, Lin (Sonstige)
Hamid, Nazimah (Sonstige)
Sumich, Alex (Sonstige)
Organisation(en) on behalf of PharmaCog Consortium (Verfasser)
SpringerLink (Online service) (Sonstige)
Umfang/Format Online-Ressource : online resource.
Persistent Identifier URN: urn:nbn:de:1111-2017011412177
DOI: 10.1186/s40810-016-0021-4
URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s40810-016-0021-4 (Open Access)
Zeitliche Einordnung Erscheinungsdatum: 2016
DDC-Notation 612.82 (maschinell ermittelte DDC-Kurznotation)
Sprache(n) Englisch (eng)
Beziehungen In: Neuropsychiatric electrophysiology (Bd. 2, 29.11.2016, Nr. 1, date:11.2016: 1-34)
Schlagwörter Gehirn ; Zentralnervensystem
Sachgruppe(n) 610 Medizin, Gesundheit

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