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Titel Oak genome reveals facets of long lifespan / by Christophe Plomion, Jean-Marc Aury, Joëlle Amselem, Thibault Leroy, Florent Murat, Sébastien Duplessis, Sébastien Faye, Nicolas Francillonne, Karine Labadie, Grégoire Le Provost, Isabelle Lesur, Jérôme Bartholomé, Patricia Faivre-Rampant, Annegret Kohler, Jean-Charles Leplé, Nathalie Chantret, Jun Chen, Anne Diévart, Tina Alaeitabar, Valérie Barbe, Caroline Belser, Hélène Bergès, Catherine Bodénès, Marie-Béatrice Bogeat-Triboulot, Marie-Lara Bouffaud, Benjamin Brachi, Emilie Chancerel, David Cohen, Arnaud Couloux, Corinne Da Silva, Carole Dossat, François Ehrenmann, Christine Gaspin, Jacqueline Grima-Pettenati, Erwan Guichoux, Arnaud Hecker, Sylvie Herrmann, Philippe Hugueney, Irène Hummel, Christophe Klopp, Céline Lalanne, Martin Lascoux, Eric Lasserre, Arnaud Lemainque, Marie-Laure Desprez-Loustau, Isabelle Luyten, Mohammed-Amin Madoui, Sophie Mangenot, Clémence Marchal, Florian Maumus, Jonathan Mercier, Célia Michotey, Olivier Panaud, Nathalie Picault, Nicolas Rouhier, Olivier Rué, Camille Rustenholz, Franck Salin, Marçal Soler, Mika Tarkka, Amandine Velt, Amy E. Zanne, Francis Martin, Patrick Wincker, Hadi Quesneville, Antoine Kremer, Jérôme Salse
Person(en) Plomion, Christophe (Verfasser)
Aury, Jean-Marc (Sonstige)
Amselem, Joëlle (Sonstige)
Leroy, Thibault (Sonstige)
Murat, Florent (Sonstige)
Duplessis, Sébastien (Sonstige)
Faye, Sébastien (Sonstige)
Francillonne, Nicolas (Sonstige)
Labadie, Karine (Sonstige)
Provost, Grégoire Le (Sonstige)
Lesur, Isabelle (Sonstige)
Bartholomé, Jérôme (Sonstige)
Faivre-Rampant, Patricia (Sonstige)
Kohler, Annegret (Sonstige)
Leplé, Jean-Charles (Sonstige)
Chantret, Nathalie (Sonstige)
Chen, Jun (Sonstige)
Diévart, Anne (Sonstige)
Alaeitabar, Tina (Sonstige)
Barbe, Valérie (Sonstige)
Belser, Caroline (Sonstige)
Bergès, Hélène (Sonstige)
Bodénès, Catherine (Sonstige)
Bogeat-Triboulot, Marie-Béatrice (Sonstige)
Bouffaud, Marie-Lara (Sonstige)
Brachi, Benjamin (Sonstige)
Chancerel, Emilie (Sonstige)
Cohen, David (Sonstige)
Couloux, Arnaud (Sonstige)
Silva, Corinne Da (Sonstige)
Dossat, Carole (Sonstige)
Ehrenmann, François (Sonstige)
Gaspin, Christine (Sonstige)
Grima-Pettenati, Jacqueline (Sonstige)
Guichoux, Erwan (Sonstige)
Hecker, Arnaud (Sonstige)
Herrmann, Sylvie (Sonstige)
Hugueney, Philippe (Sonstige)
Hummel, Irène (Sonstige)
Klopp, Christophe (Sonstige)
Lalanne, Céline (Sonstige)
Lascoux, Martin (Sonstige)
Lasserre, Eric (Sonstige)
Lemainque, Arnaud (Sonstige)
Desprez-Loustau, Marie-Laure (Sonstige)
Luyten, Isabelle (Sonstige)
Madoui, Mohammed-Amin (Sonstige)
Mangenot, Sophie (Sonstige)
Marchal, Clémence (Sonstige)
Maumus, Florian (Sonstige)
Mercier, Jonathan (Sonstige)
Michotey, Célia (Sonstige)
Panaud, Olivier (Sonstige)
Picault, Nathalie (Sonstige)
Rouhier, Nicolas (Sonstige)
Rué, Olivier (Sonstige)
Rustenholz, Camille (Sonstige)
Salin, Franck (Sonstige)
Soler, Marçal (Sonstige)
Tarkka, Mika (Sonstige)
Velt, Amandine (Sonstige)
Zanne, Amy E. (Sonstige)
Martin, Francis (Sonstige)
Wincker, Patrick (Sonstige)
Quesneville, Hadi (Sonstige)
Kremer, Antoine (Sonstige)
Salse, Jérôme (Sonstige)
Organisation(en) SpringerLink (Online service) (Sonstige)
Umfang/Format Online-Ressource : online resource.
Persistent Identifier URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2018091214505646046839
DOI: 10.1038/s41477-018-0172-3
URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41477-018-0172-3
Zeitliche Einordnung Erscheinungsdatum: 2018
Sprache(n) Englisch (eng)
Beziehungen Enthalten in: Nature plants (Bd. 4, 18.6.2018, Nr. 7, date:7.2018: 440-452)
Sachgruppe(n) 570 Biowissenschaften, Biologie

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