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Artikel 1 Advancing measurements and representations of subsurface heterogeneity and dynamic processes: towards 4D hydrogeology
Enthalten in Hydrology and earth system sciences Bd. 27, 2023, Nr. 1: 255-287. 33 S.
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Artikel 2 Tris‐benzo (cd) indole Cyanine Enables the NIR‐photosensitized Radical and Thiol‐ene Polymerizations at 940 nm
Enthalten in Angewandte Chemie 15.09.2023. 10 S.
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Artikel 3 Tris‐benzo (cd) indole Cyanine Enables the NIR‐photosensitized Radical and Thiol‐ene Polymerizations at 940 nm
Enthalten in Angewandte Chemie / International edition 15.09.2023. 10 S.
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Artikel 4 Advancing measurements and representations of subsurface heterogeneity and dynamic processes: towards 4D hydrogeology
Enthalten in Hydrology and earth system sciences discussions 14.03.2022: 1-55. 55 S.
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Artikel 5 Performance of automated methods for flash flood inundation mapping: a comparison of a digital terrain model (DTM) filling and two hydrodynamic methods
Enthalten in Hydrology and earth system sciences Bd. 25, 2021, Nr. 6: 2979-2995. 17 S.
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Artikel 6 Experimental Realization of Optimal Energy Storage in Resonators Embedded in Scattering Media
Enthalten in Laser & photonics reviews 2021
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Artikel 7 Staphylococcus capitis isolated from bloodstream infections: a nationwide 3-month survey in 38 neonatal intensive care units
Enthalten in European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases 9.6.2020: 1-10
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Artikel 8 Performance of automated flood inundation mapping methods in a context of flash floods: a comparison of three methods based either on the Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND) concept, or on 1D/2D shallow water equations
Enthalten in Hydrology and earth system sciences discussions 2020: 1-23
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Artikel 9 Photoactive Polyoxometalate/DASA Covalent Hybrids for Photopolymerization in the Visible Range
Enthalten in Chemistry - a European journal Bd. 25, 2019, Nr. 63: 14349-14357. 9 S.
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Artikel 10 High‐Voltage Photogeneration Exclusively via Aggregation‐Induced Triplet States in a Heavy‐Atom‐Free Nonplanar Organic Semiconductor
Enthalten in Advanced energy materials Bd. 9, 2019, Nr. 48. 12 S.
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