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Ergebnis der Suche nach: "" and "DELHAYE" and "Anne"
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

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Artikel 1 French lyophilized plasma versus normal saline for post-traumatic coagulopathy prevention and correction: PREHO-PLYO protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial
Enthalten in Trials Bd. 21, 22.1.2020, Nr. 1, date:12.2020: 1-9
Online Ressource
Artikel 2 In memoriam Sophie Rym Hamada
Enthalten in Intensive care medicine Bd. 48, 4.10.2022, Nr. 11, date:11.2022: 1686-1687
Online Ressource
Personen 3 Cahen-Delhaye, Anne

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