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1 - 10 von 106
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Artikel 1 Subjective–Objective Method of Maximizing the Average Variance Extracted From Sub-indicators in Composite Indicators
Enthalten in Social indicators research 4.7.2024: 1-25
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Artikel 2 Publisher Correction: Thymus alterations and susceptibility to immune checkpoint inhibitor myocarditis
Enthalten in Nature medicine 3.1.2024: 1
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Artikel 3 Spectral Library of European Pegmatites, Pegmatite Minerals and Pegmatite Host-Rocks – the GREENPEG project database
Enthalten in Earth system science data Bd. 15, 2023, Nr. 7: 3111-3129. 19 S.
Online Ressource
Artikel 4 Correction to: A systematic review of collaborative digital platforms: structuring the domain and research agenda
Enthalten in Review of managerial science 9.10.2023: 1
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Artikel 5 Water stress modulates terpene biosynthesis and morphophysiology at different ploidal levels in Lippia alba (Mill.) N. E. Brown (Verbenaceae)
Enthalten in Protoplasma 4.9.2023: 1-17
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Artikel 6 A systematic review of collaborative digital platforms: structuring the domain and research agenda
Enthalten in Review of managerial science 2.9.2023: 1-33
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Artikel 7 Specialists’ knowledge and cognitive stress in making pairwise comparisons
Enthalten in Opsearch 28.8.2023: 1-20
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Artikel 8 Copper and silver nanoparticles control coffee rust: decrease the quantity of sprayed active ingredients and is an alternative for sustainable coffee production
Enthalten in European journal of plant pathology 16.7.2023: 1-13
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Artikel 9 Gut microbiome in neuropsychiatric disorders
Enthalten in Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria Bd. 80, 2022, Nr. 02: 192-207
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Artikel 10 Spectral Library of European Pegmatites, Pegmatite Minerals and Pegmatite Host-Rocks &ndash; The GREENPEG Project Database
Enthalten in Earth system science data discussions 29.11.2022: 1-19. 19 S.
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1 - 10 von 106
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