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Ergebnis der Suche nach: "" and "GUILLEMETTE" and "Emmanuel"
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

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Artikel 1 Chromatin control of Tat-mediated reactivation of latent HIV-1 provirus
In: Retrovirology Bd. 6, 24.9.2009, Nr. 2, date:9.2009: 1
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Artikel 2 Combined analysis of three genome-wide association studies on vWF and FVIII plasma levels
In: BMC medical genetics Bd. 12, 2.8.2011, Nr. 1, date:12.2011: 1-11
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Artikel 3 Implantation of tissue expander prior to irradiation in the era of intensity modulated radiotherapy: impact on the management of patients with pelvic digestive cancers
Enthalten in International journal of colorectal disease Bd. 35, 18.12.2019, Nr. 3, date:3.2020: 559-564
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Artikel 4 In Silico Study of the Influence of Intensity and Duration of Blood Flow Reduction on Cell Death Through Necrosis or Apoptosis During Acute Ischemic Stroke
Enthalten in Acta biotheoretica Bd. 58, 28.7.2010, Nr. 2-3, date:9.2010: 171-190
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Artikel 5 TgAP2IX-5 is a key transcriptional regulator of the asexual cell cycle division in Toxoplasma gondii
Enthalten in Nature Communications Bd. 12, 7.1.2021, Nr. 1, date:12.2021: 1-14
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Artikel 6 The Arabidopsis thaliana-Alternaria brassicicola pathosystem: A model interaction for investigating seed transmission of necrotrophic fungi
Enthalten in Plant methods Bd. 8, 9.5.2012, Nr. 1, date:12.2012: 1-13
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