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Ergebnis der Suche nach: "" and "HAMEL" and "Gabriel"
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Artikel 1 Architecture of the centriole cartwheel‐containing region revealed by cryo‐electron tomography
Enthalten in European Molecular Biology Organization: The EMBO journal Bd. 39, 2020, Nr. 22. 17 S.
Online Ressource
Musiktonträger 2 [Fauré] Pénélope
Fauré, Gabriel. - Hamburg : Line Music, P 2006
Vorhanden in Leipzig Vorhanden in Frankfurt
Artikel 3 Comparative analysis of the spatial distribution of brain metastases across several primary cancers using machine learning and deep learning models
Enthalten in Journal of neuro-oncology Bd. 167, 2.4.2024, Nr. 3, date:5.2024: 501-508
Online Ressource
Artikel 4 The PTPN2/PTPN1 inhibitor ABBV-CLS-484 unleashes potent anti-tumour immunity
Enthalten in Nature Bd. 622, 4.10.2023, Nr. 7984, date:10.2023: 850-862
Online Ressource
Personen 5 Houël du Hamel, Ephrem Gabriel
Personen 6 Hou͏̈el du Hamel, Ephrem Gabriel

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