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Ergebnis der Suche nach: "" and "POIRÉ" and "Jean"
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Artikel 1 Scoring system for clinically significant CMV infection in seropositive recipients following allogenic hematopoietic cell transplant: an SFGM-TC study
Enthalten in Bone marrow transplantation 18.12.2020: 1-11
Online Ressource
Online Ressourcen 2 [Lévi]
Les visiteurs: la révolution
Lévi, Éric. - Leipzig : Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, 2018
Online Ressource
Artikel 3 Is the 3,4-methylendioxypyrovalerone/mephedrone combination responsible for enhanced stimulant effects? A rat study with investigation of the effect/concentration relationships
Enthalten in Psychopharmacology 3.7.2018: 1-11
Online Ressource
Artikel 4 Better outcome with haploidentical over HLA-matched related donors in patients with Hodgkin’s lymphoma undergoing allogeneic haematopoietic cell transplantation—a study by the Francophone Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy
In: Bone marrow transplantation 12.1.2018: 1-10
Online Ressource
Musiktonträger 5 [Lévi] Les visiteurs: la révolution
Lévi, Éric. - [Hamburg] : Gaumont & Ouille Productions, [2016]
Vorhanden in Leipzig Vorhanden in Frankfurt
Musiktonträger 6 [Giroust] Messe pour le sacre de Louis XVI
Giroust, François. - Hamburg : TELDEC, [1990]
Vorhanden in Leipzig
Artikel 7 Bone marrow graft versus peripheral blood graft in haploidentical hematopoietic stem cells transplantation: a retrospective analysis in1344 patients of SFGM-TC registry
Enthalten in Journal of hematology & oncology Bd. 17, 7.1.2024, Nr. 1, date:12.2024: 1-5
Online Ressource
Werke 8 Les visiteurs (Film) (1993)
Werk (wit)
Personen 9 Poiré, Jean-Marie
1945- / Drehbuchautor
Personen 10 Poiret, Jean
1926-1992 / Drehbuchautor

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