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Ergebnis der Suche nach: "" and "RUSSELL" and "James"
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Online Ressourcen 1 A Holocene temperature (brGDGT) record from Garba Guracha, a high-altitude lake in Ethiopia
Bittner, Lucas. - Dresden : Technische Universität Dresden, 2024
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Online Ressourcen 2 Brief
Parsons, James Russell. - Leipzig : Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, 2024, [Archiv der American Guild for German Cultural Freedom, New York]
Online Ressource
Online Ressourcen 3 Democracy and Other Papers
Lowell, James Russell. - Norderstedt : Hansebooks GmbH, 2024, Nachdruck der Ausgabe von 1898
Online Ressource
Online Ressourcen 4 Letters of James Russell Lowell
Norton, Charles Eliot. - Norderstedt : Hansebooks GmbH, 2024, Nachdruck der Ausgabe von 1894
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Online Ressourcen 5 NfL reliability across laboratories, stage-dependent diagnostic performance and matrix comparability in genetic FTD: a large GENFI study
Linnemann, Christoph. - Ulm : Universität Ulm, 2024
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Artikel 6 Early Organ Metastasis in Granulomatous Mycosis Fungoides: A Systematic Review
Enthalten in Dermatology Bd. 240, 2024, Nr. 3: 468-473. 6 S.
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Artikel 7 Quantifying functional group compositions of household fuel-burning emissions
Enthalten in Atmospheric measurement techniques Bd. 17, 2024, Nr. 8: 2401-2413. 13 S.
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Artikel 8 Dual‐Material Aerosol Jet Printing of Magneto‐Responsive Polymers with In‐Process Tailorable Composition for Small‐Scale Soft Robotics
Enthalten in Advanced Materials Technologies 22.06.2024. 11 S.
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Artikel 9 Stable, Conductive, Adhesive Polymer Patterning Inside a Microfluidic Chamber for Endothelial Cell Alignment
Enthalten in Advanced Materials Technologies 11.06.2024. 12 S.
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Artikel 10 Independently Actuated Soft Magnetic Manipulators for Bimanual Operations in Confined Anatomical Cavities
Enthalten in Advanced intelligent systems Bd. 6, 2024, Nr. 2. 1 S.
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1 - 10 von 1212
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