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Online Ressourcen 1 Effect of Coffee and Cocoa-Based Confectionery Containing Coffee on Markers of DNA Damage and Lipid Peroxidation Products: Results from a Human Intervention Study
Martini, Daniela. - Leipzig : Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2023
Online Ressource
Artikel 2 Straightforward Syntheses of Phytoprostanes and Dihomo‐phytoprostanes‐Non‐enzymatic Metabolites of γ‐Linolenic, Dihomo‐γ‐linolenic and Stearidonic Acids
Enthalten in European journal of organic chemistry Bd. 2022, 2022, Nr. 16. 7 S.
Online Ressource
Artikel 3 Isoprostanoids, Isofuranoids and Isoketals – From Synthesis to Lipidomics
Enthalten in European journal of organic chemistry 03.02.2022. 1 S.
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Artikel 4 Total Synthesis of DHA and DPAn-3 non-enzymatic oxylipins
Enthalten in Synthesis 27.09.2021
Online Ressource
Bücher 5 Überleben in Dachau
Gautier, Guy-Pierre. - Wien : bahoe books, 2020, 1. Auflage
Artikel 6 First Total Syntheses of Novel Non‐Enzymatic Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Metabolites and Their Identification in Edible Oils
Enthalten in Chemistry - a European journal Bd. 26, 2020, Nr. 44: 10090-10098. 9 S.
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Artikel 7 History of Chemical Routes towards Cyclic Non-Enzymatic Oxygenated Metabolites of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids
Enthalten in Synthesis Bd. 50, 2018, Nr. 17: 3257-3280
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Artikel 8 Total Synthesis and in Vivo Quantitation of Phytofurans Derived from α‐Linolenic Acid
Enthalten in European journal of organic chemistry Bd. 2017, 2017, Nr. 17: 2486-2490. 5 S.
Online Ressource
Artikel 9 Total Syntheses and In Vivo Quantitation of Novel Neurofuran and Dihomo‐isofuran Derived from Docosahexaenoic Acid and Adrenic Acid
Enthalten in Chemistry - a European journal Bd. 21, 2015, Nr. 6: 2442-2446. 5 S.
Online Ressource
Artikel 10 Oxygenated Metabolites of n ‐3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids as Potential Oxidative Stress Biomarkers: Total Synthesis of 8‐F 3t ‐IsoP, 10‐F 4t ‐NeuroP and (D 4)‐10‐F 4t ‐NeuroP
Enthalten in Chemistry - a European journal Bd. 20, 2014, Nr. 21: 6374-6380. 7 S.
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