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Neuigkeiten Dienstag, 18. Februar bis Montag, 24. Februar 2025, 11:00 Uhr: Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek in Leipzig ist geschlossen. Die Inbetriebnahme der Medienausleihe und der angrenzenden Lesesäle erfordert diese Schließzeit.

Ergebnis der Suche nach: "Carlo" and "Pastorino"
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

1 - 10 von 18
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Online Ressourcen 1 Dissecting the genetic heterogeneity of gastric cancer
Heß, Timo. - Marburg : Philipps-Universität Marburg, 2024
Online Ressource
Artikel 2 Characterization of two transcriptomic subtypes of marker-null large cell carcinoma of the lung suggests different origin and potential new therapeutic perspectives
Enthalten in Virchows Archiv 3.1.2024: 1-12
Online Ressource
Artikel 3 Prognostic Factors across Poorly Differentiated Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: A Pooled Analysis
Enthalten in Neuroendocrinology Bd. 113, 2023, Nr. 4: 457-469. 13 S.
Online Ressource
Artikel 4 Prognostic Factors across Poorly Differentiated Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: A Pooled Analysis
Enthalten in Neuroendocrinology Bd. 113, 2023, Nr. 4: 457-469. 13 S.
Online Ressource
Artikel 5 Ki-67 Index of 55% Distinguishes Two Groups of Bronchopulmonary Pure and Composite Large Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinomas with Distinct Prognosis
Enthalten in Neuroendocrinology Bd. 111, 2021, Nr. 5: 475-489. 15 S.
Online Ressource
Artikel 6 Non-Operative Management Versus Total Mesorectal Excision for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer with Clinical Complete Response After Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy: a GRADE Approach by the Rectal Cancer Guidelines Writing Group of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM)
Enthalten in Journal of gastrointestinal surgery 11.5.2020: 1-10
Online Ressource
Artikel 7 Tumour stage and gender predict recurrence and second primary malignancies in head and neck cancer: a multicentre study within the INHANCE consortium
Enthalten in European journal of epidemiology 19.5.2018: 1-14
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Artikel 8 Thymus neuroendocrine tumors with CTNNB1 gene mutations, disarrayed ß-catenin expression, and dual intra-tumor Ki-67 labeling index compartmentalization challenge the concept of secondary high-grade neuroendocrine tumor: a paradigm shift
Enthalten in Virchows Archiv 27.4.2017: 1-17
Online Ressource
Artikel 9 Erratum to: Building bridges for innovation in ageing: Synergies between action groups of the EIP on AHA
Enthalten in The journal of nutrition, health & aging 23.11.2016: 1
Online Ressource
Artikel 10 Building bridges for innovation in ageing: Synergies between Action Groups of the EIP on AHA
Enthalten in The journal of nutrition, health & aging 26.9.2016: 1-13
Online Ressource

1 - 10 von 18
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