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Neuigkeiten Dienstag, 18. Februar bis Montag, 24. Februar 2025, 11:00 Uhr: Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek in Leipzig ist geschlossen. Die Inbetriebnahme der Medienausleihe und der angrenzenden Lesesäle erfordert diese Schließzeit.

Ergebnis der Suche nach: "Fionnuala" and "Walsh"
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

1 - 10 von 16
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Artikel 1 Obesity in Adults: A 2022 Adapted Clinical Practice Guideline for Ireland
Enthalten in Obesity facts Bd. 15, 2022, Nr. 6: 736-752. 17 S.
Online Ressource
Artikel 2 The Natural History of Trisomy 21: Outcome Data from a Large Tertiary Referral Centre
Enthalten in Fetal diagnosis and therapy Bd. 48, 2021, Nr. 8: 575-581. 7 S.
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Artikel 3 Parental Height and Weight Influence Offspring Adiposity at 2 Years; Findings from the ROLO Kids Birth Cohort Study
Enthalten in American journal of perinatology 29.12.2021
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Artikel 4 A multidisciplinary fetal neurosurgical service—5 years of fetal outcomes from a national referral centre
Enthalten in Irish journal of medical science 27.2.2021: 1-6
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Artikel 5 Maternal morbidity in placenta accreta spectrum following introduction of a multi-disciplinary service compared to standard care: an Irish perspective
Enthalten in Irish journal of medical science 15.1.2021: 1-7
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Artikel 6 Total hip replacement—the cause of failure in patients under 50 years old?
Enthalten in Irish journal of medical science 19.12.2018: 1-5
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Artikel 7 Primary total hip arthroplasty: registry data for fixation methods and bearing options at a minimum of 10 years
Enthalten in Irish journal of medical science 17.12.2018: 1-5
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Artikel 8 A randomised control trial of low glycaemic index carbohydrate diet versus no dietary intervention in the prevention of recurrence of macrosomia
Enthalten in BMC pregnancy and childbirth Bd. 10, 23.4.2010, Nr. 1, date:12.2010: 1-3
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Artikel 9 Advancing Product Quality: a Summary of the Second FDA/PQRI Conference
Enthalten in American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists: The AAPS journal Bd. 18, 9.2.2016, Nr. 2, date:3.2016: 528-543
Online Ressource
Artikel 10 Do you pay to go private?: a single centre comparison of induction of labour and caesarean section rates in private versus public patients
Enthalten in BMC pregnancy and childbirth Bd. 20, 1.12.2020, Nr. 1, date:12.2020: 1-6
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1 - 10 von 16
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