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Ergebnis der Suche nach: ido=531955714
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

1 - 10 von 204
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Artikel 1 Closing the Gap between Web Applications and Desktop Applications by Designing a Novel Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) with Seamless Support for Desktop Applications
Enthalten in Open journal of cloud computing Bd. 8, 2023, Nr. 1: 1-19
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Artikel 2 Generating SPARQL-Constraints for Consistency Checking in Industry 4.0 Scenarios
Enthalten in Open journal of internet of things Bd. 8, 2022, Nr. 1: 80-90
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Artikel 3 IoT Hub as a Service (HaaS): Data-Oriented Environment for Interactive Smart Spaces
Enthalten in Open journal of internet of things Bd. 8, 2022, Nr. 1: 66-79
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Artikel 4 WoTHive: Enabling Syntactic and Semantic Discovery in the Web of Things
Enthalten in Open journal of internet of things Bd. 8, 2022, Nr. 1: 54-65
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Artikel 5 Space Cubes: Satellite On-Board Processing of Datacube Queries
Enthalten in Open journal of internet of things Bd. 8, 2022, Nr. 1: 44-53
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Artikel 6 3D Histogram Based Anomaly Detection for Categorical Sensor Data in Internet of Things
Enthalten in Open journal of internet of things Bd. 8, 2022, Nr. 1: 32-43
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Artikel 7 IoT-PMA: Patient Health Monitoring in Medical IoT Ecosystems
Enthalten in Open journal of internet of things Bd. 8, 2022, Nr. 1: 20-31
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Artikel 8 Development and Evaluation of a Publish/Subscribe IoT Data Sharing Model with LoRaWAN
Enthalten in Open journal of internet of things Bd. 8, 2022, Nr. 1: 7-19
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Artikel 9 Contributions to the 6th Workshop on Very Large Internet of Things (VLIoT 2022)
Enthalten in Open journal of internet of things Bd. 8, 2022, Nr. 1: 1-6
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Artikel 10 A SIEM Architecture for Advanced Anomaly Detection
Enthalten in Open journal of big data Bd. 6, 2022, Nr. 1: 26-42
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1 - 10 von 204
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