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Ergebnis der Suche nach: tit all "Wireless sensor networks: a survey."
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

1 - 10 von 32
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Artikel 1 A survey of energy-efficient clustering routing protocols for wireless sensor networks based on metaheuristic approaches
Enthalten in Artificial intelligence review 11.2.2023: 1-72
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Artikel 2 Automated Fault Diagnosis in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Comprehensive Survey
Enthalten in Wireless personal communications 3.7.2022: 1-33
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Artikel 3 A state-of-the-art survey on wireless rechargeable sensor networks: perspectives and challenges
Enthalten in Wireless networks 21.6.2022: 1-25
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Artikel 4 Wireless sensor networks: a survey, categorization, main issues, and future orientations for clustering protocols
Enthalten in Computing 22.3.2022: 1-63
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Artikel 5 A Survey on Path Planning Techniques for Mobile Sink in IoT-Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks
Enthalten in Wireless personal communications 1.3.2021: 1-28
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Artikel 6 The evolution of data gathering static and mobility models in underwater wireless sensor networks: a survey
Enthalten in Journal of ambient intelligence and humanized computing 3.1.2021: 1-17
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Artikel 7 Mitigating congestion in wireless sensor networks through clustering and queue assistance: a survey
Enthalten in Journal of intelligent manufacturing 12.8.2020: 1-16
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Artikel 8 Different Energy Saving Schemes in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey
Enthalten in Wireless personal communications 12.5.2020: 1-20
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Artikel 9 A Survey on Mobile Agent Itinerary Planning for Information Fusion in Wireless Sensor Networks
Enthalten in Archives of computational methods in engineering 4.3.2020: 1-12
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Artikel 10 A Survey on Hybrid, Energy Efficient and Distributed (HEED) Based Energy Efficient Clustering Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks
Enthalten in Wireless personal communications 23.1.2020: 1-29
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1 - 10 von 32
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