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im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

1 - 8 von 8
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Artikel 1 Effect of sea breeze circulation on aerosol mixing state and radiative properties in a desert setting
In: Atmospheric chemistry and physics Bd. 17, 2017, Nr. 18: 11331-11353
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Artikel 2 So young and already victims of stereotype threat: Socio-economic status and performance of 6 to 9 years old children on Raven’s progressive matrices
Enthalten in European journal of psychology of education Bd. 24, Nr. 2, date:6.2009: 207-218
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Artikel 3 What defense doesSchouwia purpurea (Cruciferae) have against the desert locust?
Enthalten in Journal of chemical ecology Bd. 17, Nr. 8, date:8.1991: 1499-1515
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Artikel 4 Addressing the Desert Kites Phenomenon and Its Global Range Through a Multi-proxy Approach
Enthalten in Journal of archaeological method and theory Bd. 22, 23.8.2014, Nr. 4, date:12.2015: 1093-1121
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Artikel 5 Assessing habitat and resource availability for an endangered desert bird species in eastern Morocco: the Houbara Bustard
Enthalten in Biodiversity and conservation Bd. 16, 13.1.2007, Nr. 3, date:3.2007: 597-620
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Artikel 6 Gene expression and metabolite profiling of Populus euphratica growing in the Negev desert
In: Genome biology Bd. 6, 2.12.2005, Nr. 12, date:12.2005: 1-17
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Artikel 7 Rhizosheath–root system changes exopolysaccharide content but stabilizes bacterial community across contrasting seasons in a desert environment
Enthalten in Environmental microbiome Bd. 17, 1.4.2022, Nr. 1, date:12.2022: 1-19
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Artikel 8 Temperature controls diel oscillation of the CO2 concentration in a desert soil
Enthalten in Biogeochemistry Bd. 156, 8.9.2021, Nr. 2, date:11.2021: 279-292
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