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Ergebnis der Suche nach: "Auburn"
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

1 - 10 von 35
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Artikel 1 Necessity and Opportunity: the 1-Year Master’s ABA Program at Auburn University
In: The Behavior analyst 18.4.2016: 1-8
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Artikel 2 Homogeneous Catalysis. Mechanisms of Metal Catalysed Claisen Rearrangements of O‐allylic‐S‐methyl dithiocarbonates
Enthalten in Israel journal of chemistry Bd. 27, 2013, Nr. 3: 250-254. 5 S.
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Online Ressourcen 3 Sylos Labini’s Unpublished Notes on Schumpeter’s Business Cycles
Ferlito, Carmelo. - Auburn : Mises Institute, 2011
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Artikel 4 Food of White Catfish, Ictalurus catus (LINN.) (Ictaluridae) Stocked in Farm Ponds †
Enthalten in International review of hydrobiology Bd. 59, 2007, Nr. 1: 147-151. 5 S.
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Artikel 5 Chronic respiratory morbidity following viral lower respiratory tract infections in prematurely born infants
Enthalten in Journal of pediatric infectious diseases Bd. 01, 2006, Nr. 04: 205-211
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Artikel 6 Identification of geosmin as a volatile metabolite of Anabaena sp.
Enthalten in Journal of basic microbiology Bd. 41, 2001, Nr. 1: 51-55. 5 S.
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Artikel 7 A molecular barcode and web-based data analysis tool to identify imported Plasmodium vivax malaria
Enthalten in Communications biology Bd. 5, 23.12.2022, Nr. 1, date:12.2022: 1-10
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Artikel 8 Analysis of the relapse of imported Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium ovale in five provinces of China
Enthalten in Malaria journal Bd. 22, 13.7.2023, Nr. 1, date:12.2023: 1-11
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Artikel 9 Arousal and the Bakan vigilance task: The effects of noise intensity and the presence of others
In: Current psychology Bd. 6, 1.9.1987, Nr. 3, date:9.1987: 196-206
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Enthalten in The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences Bd. XLVIII-M-3-2023, 2023: 135-137. 3 S.
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1 - 10 von 35
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