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Ergebnis der Suche nach: "Rennes"
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1 - 10 von 66
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Online Ressourcen 1 Early Eocene magnetostratigraphy and tectonic evolution of the Xining Basin, NE Tibet
Meijer, Niels, 2022
Online Ressource
Online Ressourcen 2 Linking uplift, erosion, and sedimentation using landscape evolution models: Madagascar since the Late Cretaceous
Jiao, Ruohong, 2022
Online Ressource
Artikel 3 Berthu-Courtivron, Marie-Françoise, et Pomel, Fabienne, (dir.). Le Genre en littérature. Les reconfigurations Masculin/Féminin du Moyen Âge à l’extrême contemporain. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2021 (= « Interférences »). 450 pp.
Enthalten in Kritikon litterarum Bd. 49, 2022, Nr. 3-4: 288-293. 6 S.
Online Ressource
Artikel 4 Photophysical Properties and Single‐Molecule Magnet Behavior in Heterobimetallic 3d4 f Schiff Base Complexes
Enthalten in European journal of inorganic chemistry 18.08.2022. 1 S.
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Online Ressourcen 5 International transfers of personal data for health research following Schrems II: a problem in need of a solution
Hallinan, Dara. - Basingstoke : Stockton Press, 2021
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Online Ressourcen 6 Long‐Term Nitrate Trajectories Vary by Season in Western European Catchments
Ebeling, Pia, 2021
Online Ressource
Artikel 7 Stanley William Hayter
Enthalten in Art & métiers du livre Bd. 344, 2021: [34]-39
Artikel 8 Age and driving mechanisms of the Eocene–Oligocene transition from astronomical tuning of a lacustrine record (Rennes Basin, France)
Enthalten in Climate of the past Bd. 17, 2021, Nr. 6: 2343-2360. 18 S.
Online Ressource
Artikel 9 Concerning the article: “Oral sedation in dentistry: evaluation of professional practice of oral hydroxyzine in the University Hospital of Rennes, France” that appeared in the European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry. 2021 Apr 11. doi: 10.1007/s40368-021-00620-7. Online ahead of print
Enthalten in European archives of paediatric dentistry 15.6.2021: 1-2
Online Ressource
Artikel 10 Age and driving mechanisms of the Eocene-Oligocene Transition from astronomical tuning of a lacustrine record (Rennes Basin, France)
Enthalten in Climate of the past discussions 17.05.2021: 1-27. 27 S.
Online Ressource

1 - 10 von 66
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