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1 - 10 von 73
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Artikel 1 Final 4-year results of the RAINBOW real-world study: intravitreal aflibercept dosing regimens in France in treatment-naïve patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration
Enthalten in Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology 18.11.2022: 1-11
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Artikel 2 MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase: EC SNPs (single-nucleotide polymorphisms) and homocysteine in patients referred for investigation of fertility
Enthalten in Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics 29.4.2021: 1-7
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Artikel 3 Correction to: COVID-19 increased the risk of ICU-acquired bloodstream infections: a case–cohort study from the multicentric OUTCOMEREA network
Enthalten in Intensive care medicine 10.3.2021: 1
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Artikel 4 Analysis of liver iron concentration in an elderly female undergoing hemodialysis with calcific uremic arteriolopathy does not support the role of iron overload in calciphylaxis: lesson for the clinical nephrologist
Enthalten in Journal of nephrology 23.1.2021: 1-5
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Artikel 5 GnRH Transactivates Human AMH Receptor Gene via Egr1 and FOXO1 in Gonadotrope Cells
Enthalten in Neuroendocrinology Bd. 108, 2019, Nr. 2: 65-83
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Artikel 6 Ranibizumab for choroidal neovascularization secondary to pseudoxanthoma elasticum: 4-year results from the PIXEL study in France
In: Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology 10.5.2017: 1-10
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Artikel 7 CAESAR: a new tool to assess relatives’ experience of dying and death in the ICU
In: Intensive care medicine 7.3.2016: 1-8
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Online Ressourcen 8 MFGE8 does not influence chorio-retinal homeostasis or choroidal neovascularization in vivo
Frankfurt am Main : Univ.-Bibliothek Frankfurt am Main, 2012
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Artikel 9 Cardiac troponin I in patients with severe exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Enthalten in Intensive care medicine Bd. 29, Nr. 4, date:4.2003: 584-589
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Artikel 10 Non‐Amide‐Based Combinatorial Libraries Derived from N ‐Boc‐Iminodiacetic Acid: Solution‐Phase Synthesis of Piperazinone Libraries with Activity Against LEF‐1/β ‐Catenin‐Mediated Transcription
Enthalten in Helvetica chimica acta Bd. 83, 2000, Nr. 8: 1825-1845. 21 S.
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1 - 10 von 73
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