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Ergebnis der Suche nach: tit all "Governance structures"
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

1 - 10 von 43
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Artikel 1 Evaluation einer Förderung für kommunale Steuerungsstrukturen für Gesundheitsförderung
Enthalten in Public-Health-Forum Bd. 32, 2024, Nr. 3: 254-258. 5 S.
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Artikel 2 Which governance structures are conducive to the performance of TTOs? Evidence from Taiwan
Enthalten in The journal of technology transfer 22.5.2024: 1-33
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Artikel 3 Targeted Poverty Alleviation Initiatives, Corporate Governance Structures and Corporate Value: Evidence from China
Enthalten in Journal of the knowledge economy 1.8.2023: 1-29
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Artikel 4 Beyond plans, governance structures, and organizational strategies: how emotional mechanisms can make a difference in emergency response processes
Enthalten in Policy sciences 13.11.2022: 1-25
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Artikel 5 Upstream and downstream dyad governance within the network structures: Creating supply chain governance for the customized products
Enthalten in Electronic markets 28.3.2022: 1-26
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Artikel 6 Compliance with EU Law and Argumentative Discourse: Representing the EU as a Problem-Solving Multilevel Governance System through Discursive Structures of Argumentation
Enthalten in Argumentation 27.3.2021: 1-21
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Artikel 7 Evaluating British Columbia’s Municipally Owned Community Forest Corporations as Governance Structures
Enthalten in Environmental management 16.11.2020: 1-11
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Artikel 8 Ecosystems for smart cities: tracing the evolution of governance structures in a dutch smart city initiative
Enthalten in International entrepreneurship and management journal 8.2.2020: 1-34
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Artikel 9 New public management: global reform script or conceptual stretching? Analysis of university governance structures in the Napoleonic administrative tradition
Enthalten in Higher education 15.11.2018: 1-27
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Online Ressourcen 10 Comparative Analysis of Nature-Related Transactions and Governance Structures in Pasture Use and Irrigation Water in Central Asia
Kasymov, Ulan. - Berlin : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2017
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