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Link zu diesem Datensatz https://d-nb.info/1074773845
Titel The journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics
Teil: Vol. 81.
Person(en) Loewi, Otto (Verfasser)
Pick, Ernst Peter (Verfasser)
Unna, Klaus (Verfasser)
Bülbring, Edith (Verfasser)
Richards, R. K. (Verfasser)
Verlag Bethesda, Md. : American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Zeitliche Einordnung Erscheinungsdatum: (1944)
Umfang/Format 415 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
ISBN/Einband/Preis Gewebe
Sprache(n) Englisch (eng)
Anmerkungen Enthält u.a.: Inhibition of cholinesterase activity of nervous tissues by eserine in vivo / G.L. Cantoni and O. Loewi. S. 67-71. - Inhibitory effect of sulfonamides on the action of nicotine in the isolated intestine / E.P. Pick, G.W. Brooks and K. Unna. S. 133-141. - Inhibition of nervous transmission in synapses and end plates by thiamine / K. Unna and E.P. Pick. S. 294-300. - Changes in activity of pulmonary anaesthesia and their influence on respiratory behavior / D. Whitteridge and E. Bülbring. S. 340-359. - Comparative anticonvulsive action of 3,5,5-trimethyloxadollidine-2,4-dione (tridione), dilantin and phenobarbital / Guy M. Everett and Richard K. Richards. S. 402-407

Frankfurt Deutsches Exilarchiv : EB 2012b/3
Signatur: EB 2012b/3
Bereitstellung in Frankfurt

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