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Neuigkeiten Am Dienstag, den 11.06.2024 ist die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek in Frankfurt am Main wegen eines Betriebsausflugs geschlossen.

Ergebnis der Suche nach: "Bogen" and "Anders"
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Artikel 1 Vaccine molecules targeting Xcr1 on cross‐presenting DCs induce protective CD8 + T‐cell responses against influenza virus
Enthalten in European journal of immunology Bd. 45, 2015, Nr. 2: 624-635. 12 S.
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Artikel 2 Indirect CD4 + T‐cell‐mediated elimination of MHC II NEG tumor cells is spatially restricted and fails to prevent escape of antigen‐negative cells
Enthalten in European journal of immunology Bd. 44, 2014, Nr. 9: 2625-2637. 13 S.
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Artikel 3 Naive CD4 + T cells confer idiotype‐specific tumor resistance in the absence of antibodies
Enthalten in European journal of immunology Bd. 25, 2005, Nr. 11: 3079-3086. 8 S.
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Artikel 4 CD4+ T cells indirectly kill tumor cells via induction of cytotoxic macrophages in mouse models
Enthalten in Cancer immunology immunotherapy Bd. 68, 26.8.2019, Nr. 11, date:11.2019: 1865-1873
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Artikel 5 Cyclic AMP induces apoptosis in multiple myeloma cells and inhibits tumor development in a mouse myeloma model
In: BMC cancer Bd. 11, 18.7.2011, Nr. 1, date:12.2011: 1-10
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Artikel 6 Enhanced germinal center reaction by targeting vaccine antigen to major histocompatibility complex class II molecules
Enthalten in npj vaccines Bd. 4, 11.2.2019, Nr. 1, date:12.2019: 1-13
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