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Ergebnis der Suche nach: tit all "Long wave theory"
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

1 - 6 von 6
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Artikel 1 Long-wave instabilities of film flow under an electrostatic field
Enthalten in The Korean journal of chemical engineering Bd. 14, Nr. 1, date:1.1997: 41-48
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Artikel 2 Technological innovation and long wave theory: Two pieces of the puzzle
Enthalten in Journal of evolutionary economics Bd. 1, Nr. 4, date:12.1991: 241-272
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Online Ressourcen 3 Kinetic theory of charge-density wave systems in the presence of long-range coulomb forces
Eckern, Ulrich. - Augsburg : Universität Augsburg, 1989
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Artikel 4 Kinetic theory of charge-density wave systems in the presence of long-range coulomb forces
Enthalten in Zeitschrift für Physik / B / Condensed matter Bd. 74, Nr. 3, date:9.1989: 413-421
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Artikel 5 The asymptotic theory of the generation of long-wave structures in critical layers of weakly dissipative jet flows
Enthalten in Rossijskaja akademija nauk: Izvestiya / Atmospheric and oceanic physics Bd. 45, 5.11.2009, Nr. 5, date:10.2009: 629-645
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Artikel 6 The interpretation of the cyclical history of capitalism. A comparison between the neo-Schumpeterian and social structure of accumulation (SSA) approaches in light of the long wave theory
Enthalten in Journal of evolutionary economics Bd. 29, 30.7.2019, Nr. 4, date:9.2019: 1285-1314
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