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Ergebnis der Suche nach: "ALARY" and "Françoise"
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

1 - 7 von 7
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Artikel 1 Cloning of a wheat puroindoline gene promoter by IPCR and analysis of promoter regions required for tissue-specific expression in transgenic rice seeds
Enthalten in Plant molecular biology Bd. 39, Nr. 6, date:4.1999: 1101-1112
Online Ressource
Artikel 2 Characterization of a barley gene coding for an α-amylase inhibitor subunit (CMd protein) and analysis of its promoter in transgenic tobacco plants and in maize kernels by microprojectile bombardment
Enthalten in Plant molecular biology Bd. 34, Nr. 2, date:5.1997: 331-338
Online Ressource
Artikel 3 Isolation and nucleotide sequence of a cDNA clone encoding the bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) CM17 protein
Enthalten in Plant molecular biology Bd. 17, Nr. 5, date:11.1991: 1081-1082
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Artikel 4 Characterization of a cDNA clone encoding the Triticum aestivum L. CM16 protein: homology with the Triticum durum Desf. sequence
Enthalten in Plant molecular biology Bd. 16, Nr. 2, date:2.1991: 373-374
Online Ressource
Artikel 5 Nucleotide sequence of a cDNA clone encoding the wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) CM2 protein
Enthalten in Plant molecular biology Bd. 16, Nr. 2, date:2.1991: 333-334
Online Ressource
Artikel 6 Cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding the wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) CM16 protein
Enthalten in Plant molecular biology Bd. 14, Nr. 3, date:3.1990: 313-322
Online Ressource
Artikel 7 Detection and discrimination of cereal and leguminous species in chestnut flour by duplex PCR
Enthalten in European food research and technology Bd. 225, 28.7.2006, Nr. 3-4, date:7.2007: 427-434
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1 - 7 von 7
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Alle MaterialartenOnline Ressourcen (7)


Alle StandorteFrankfurt (7)
