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Ergebnis der Suche nach: "" and "HARPER" and "Alexander"
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Artikel 1 Vertical Strength Transfer Phenomenon Between Upper Body and Lower Body Exercise: Systematic Scoping Review
Enthalten in Sports medicine 14.5.2024: 1-31
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Artikel 2 Assessment of NAAPS-RA performance in Maritime Southeast Asia during CAMP<sup>2</sup>Ex
Enthalten in Atmospheric chemistry and physics Bd. 22, 2022, Nr. 19: 12961-12983. 23 S.
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Artikel 3 [18F]RO948 tau positron emission tomography in genetic and sporadic frontotemporal dementia syndromes
Enthalten in European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 14.12.2022: 1-13
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Artikel 4 Assessment of NAAPS-RA performance in Maritime Southeast Asia during CAMP<sup>2</sup>Ex
Enthalten in Atmospheric chemistry and physics / Discussions 30.11.2021: 1-46. 46 S.
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Artikel 5 Cost Analysis of Screening Programmes for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip: A Systematic Review
Enthalten in Indian journal of orthopaedics 6.9.2021: 1-8
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Artikel 6 Mapping the yields of lignocellulosic bioenergy crops from observations at the global scale
Enthalten in Earth system science data Bd. 12, 2020, Nr. 2: 789-804
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Artikel 7 The Association Between Autistic Traits and Disordered Eating is Moderated by Sex/Gender and Independent of Anxiety and Depression
Enthalten in Journal of autism and developmental disorders 27.8.2020: 1-14
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Online Ressourcen 8 Elements of Infrastructure Demand in Multiplayer Video Games
Mirowski, Alexander. - Mannheim : SSOAR - Social Science Open Access Repository, 2019
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Artikel 9 Mapping the yields of lignocellulosic bioenergy crops from observations at the global scale
Enthalten in Earth system science data discussions 2019: 1-21
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Online Ressourcen 10 Bioenergy production and sustainable development
Robledo-Abad, Carmenza. - Berlin : Technische Universität Berlin, 2017
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