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1 - 10 von 262
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Artikel 1 Photochemical Initiation and Reactions of Thiyl Radicals Studied with S H 2’ Radical Traps
Enthalten in Chemistry - a European journal 23.08.2024. 8 S.
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Artikel 2 A Fragment‐Based Competitive 19 F LB‐NMR Platform For Hotspot‐Directed Ligand Profiling
Enthalten in Angewandte Chemie 12.08.2024. 12 S.
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Artikel 3 A Fragment‐Based Competitive 19 F LB‐NMR Platform For Hotspot‐Directed Ligand Profiling
Enthalten in Angewandte Chemie / International edition 12.08.2024. 12 S.
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Artikel 4 Key Opinion Leaders’ Interviews to Inform the Future of Benefit–Risk Planning in the Medical Total Product Life Cycle of Global Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Organizations
Enthalten in Drug safety 1.6.2024: 1-16
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Artikel 5 Concept Recognition and Characterization of Patients Undergoing Resection of Vestibular Schwannoma Using Natural Language Processing
Enthalten in Journal of neurological surgery / Part B / Skull Base 11.05.2024
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Artikel 6 HIV and COVID-19: two pandemics with significant (but different) central nervous system complications
Enthalten in Free Neuropathology Bd. 5, 2024
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Artikel 7 Gastric Alimetry® Testing and Healthcare Economic Analysis in Nausea and Vomiting Syndromes
Enthalten in Digestive diseases and sciences 30.4.2024: 1-11
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Artikel 8 Canopy structure modulates the sensitivity of subalpine forest stands to interannual snowpack and precipitation variability
Enthalten in EGUsphere 22.01.2024: 1-23. 23 S.
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Online Ressourcen 9 AZG1 is a cytokinin transporter that interacts with auxin transporter PIN1 and regulates the root stress response
Tessi, Tomás M.. - Freiburg : Universität, 2023
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Artikel 10 Progress in Primary Aldosteronism 7: No better time to meet!
Enthalten in Experimental and clinical endocrinology & diabetes Bd. 131, 2023, Nr. 07/08: 383-385
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1 - 10 von 262
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