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Neuigkeiten Am Dienstag, den 11.06.2024 ist die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek in Frankfurt am Main wegen eines Betriebsausflugs geschlossen.

Ergebnis der Suche nach: "José" and "Brandão"
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

1 - 10 von 55
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Artikel 1 Biologische Therapie bei systemischem Lupus erythematodes, Antiphospholipid-Syndrom und Sjögren-Syndrom: evidenz- und praxisbasierte Leitlinien
Enthalten in Kompass Autoimmun Bd. 6, 2024, Nr. 2: 50-60. 11 S.
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Artikel 2 Acute paraplegia caused by spinal epidural empyema following infectious cellulitis of the hand: case report and literature review
Enthalten in Journal of neurological surgery reports 13.02.2024
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Artikel 3 Effectiveness of Neurofunctional Physical Therapy on the Quality of Sleep of Individuals with Parkinson's Disease: Case Series
Enthalten in Sleep science Bd. 16, 2023, Nr. 02: 206-215
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Artikel 4 Atraumatic Restorative Treatment-Sealed versus Nonsealed First Permanent Molars: A 3-Year Split-Mouth Clinical Trial
Enthalten in Caries research Bd. 55, 2021, Nr. 1: 12-20
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Artikel 5 Alternative matrices in forensic toxicology: a critical review
Enthalten in Forensic toxicology 19.8.2021: 1-18
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Artikel 6 The Xbox/Kinect use in poststroke rehabilitation settings: a systematic review
Enthalten in Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria Bd. 78, 2020, Nr. 06: 361-369
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Artikel 7 Chronostratigraphic framework and provenance of the Ossa-Morena Zone Carboniferous basins (southwest Iberia)
Enthalten in Solid earth Bd. 11, 2020, Nr. 4: 1291-1312
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Artikel 8 Fatty Liver Caused by Glycogen Storage Disease Type IX: A Small Series of Cases in Children
Enthalten in Portuguese journal of gastroenterology Bd. 26, 2019, Nr. 6: 430-437
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Artikel 9 Clinical and Vitamin Response to a Short‐Term Multi‐Micronutrient Intervention in Brazilian Children and Teens: From Population Data to Interindividual Responses
Enthalten in Molecular nutrition & food research Bd. 62, 2018, Nr. 6. 17 S.
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Artikel 10 Increased Expression Levels of Metalloprotease, Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloprotease, Metallothionein, and p63 in Ectopic Endometrium: An Animal Experimental Study
Enthalten in Revista brasileira de ginecologia e obstetrícia Bd. 40, 2018, Nr. 11: 705-712
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1 - 10 von 55
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