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Ergebnis der Suche nach: tit all "The Shape of gravity"
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

1 - 4 von 4
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Artikel 1 Calculating the gravity-free shape of sheet metal parts
Enthalten in The international journal of advanced manufacturing technology Bd. 113, 3.3.2021, Nr. 11-12, date:4.2021: 3401-3417
Online Ressource
Artikel 2 Linkage and QTL mapping for tuber shape and specific gravity in a tetraploid mapping population of potato representing the russet market class
Enthalten in BMC plant biology Bd. 21, 3.11.2021, Nr. 1, date:12.2021: 1-18
Online Ressource
Artikel 3 The shape of scalar Gauss-Bonnet gravity
Enthalten in Journal of high energy physics Bd. 2022, 11.3.2022, Nr. 3, date:3.2022: 1-36
Online Ressource
Artikel 4 Universality in the shape dependence of holographic Rényi entropy for general higher derivative gravity
In: Journal of high energy physics Bd. 2016, 12.12.2016, Nr. 12, date:12.2016: 1-34
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1 - 4 von 4
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