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Ergebnis der Suche nach: "Duarte," and "Angel"
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Artikel 1 Ureteral Stenosis and Fistula after Kidney Transplantation
Enthalten in Urologia internationalis Bd. 107, 2023, Nr. 2: 157-164. 8 S.
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Artikel 2 Automated prostate multi-regional segmentation in magnetic resonance using fully convolutional neural networks
Enthalten in European radiology 24.1.2023: 1-10
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Artikel 3 Lung cavitation in granulomatosis with polyangiitis: clinical implications
Enthalten in Clinical rheumatology 16.6.2022: 1-2
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Online Ressourcen 4 European primary forest database v2.0
Sabatini, Francesco Maria. - Eberswalde : Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, 2021
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Artikel 5 A Successful Chemoembolization of a Retroperitoneal Soft Tissue Sarcoma: A Case Report
Enthalten in Case reports in oncology Bd. 14, 2021, Nr. 3: 1691-1697. 7 S.
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Artikel 6 Evaluation of the AJCC Eighth-Edition Prognostic Staging System for Breast Cancer in a Latin American Cohort
Enthalten in Annals of surgical oncology 8.4.2021: 1-8
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Artikel 7 Use of health services among long-term breast cancer survivors in Spain: longitudinal study based on real-world data
Enthalten in Journal of cancer survivorship 23.3.2021: 1-10
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Artikel 8 Iterative renal transplantation: our experience on third transplants
Enthalten in International urology and nephrology 6.3.2021: 1-8
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Artikel 9 Mass, nutrients and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) lateral transports off northwest Africa during fall 2002 and spring 2003
Enthalten in Ocean science Bd. 16, 2020, Nr. 2: 483-511
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Artikel 10 Water and socioeconomic dependencies: a multiregional model
Enthalten in Clean technologies and environmental policy 20.8.2020: 1-14
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