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Ergebnis der Suche nach: idn=1065497377

Link zu diesem Datensatz https://d-nb.info/gnd/1065497377
Organisation Phaidon Verlag GmbH
Quelle Homepage (Stand: 12.01.2022): http://www.phaidon.com
Adressb. deutschspr. Buchhandel (2014)
Land Berlin (XA-DE-BE)
Geografischer Bezug Ort: Berlin
Weitere Angaben The company was founded in Vienna in 1923 by Dr Béla Horovitz and Ludwig Goldscheider. Horovitz named the company Phaidon ('ai' pronounced 'i' as in 'wise' - International Phonetic Alphabet) in reference to Phaedo, a Greek philosopher and pupil of Socrates, to acknowledge his love of classical culture. The arrival of the Nazis in Vienna forced Horovitz to move the company to England. When Béla Horovitz died suddenly in New York in 1955, Phaidon continued under the direction of his son-in-law, Harvey Miller. In 1967 Phaidon was sold to Frederick Praeger Inc, a subsidiary of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Praeger found the venture unprofitable and in 1974 he sold the company to Elsevier. Entrepreneur Richard Schlagman acquired Phaidon Press in 1990. The company’s headquarters returned to London in May 1991. Headquarters in London (Phaidon Press Limited) and New York (Phaidon Press Inc.), offices in Paris and Berlin
Systematik 2.2 Buchwissenschaft, Buchhandel
Typ Organisation (kiz)
Beteiligt an 1332 Publikationen
  1. A family of trees
    Thomas, Peggy. - London : Phaidon, 2024
  2. A World of Flavour
    Langholtz, Gabrielle. - Berlin : Phaidon, 2024
  3. ...
Thema in 1 Publikation
  1. Bibliophil und bezahlbar
    Enthalten in Buchmarkt Bd. 51, 2016, Nr. 4: 7

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