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Ergebnis der Suche nach: idn=1261087542

Link zu diesem Datensatz https://d-nb.info/gnd/1261087542
Person Leung, L. Ruby
Akademischer Grad Dr.
Geschlecht weiblich
Andere Namen Leung, Lai-yung Ruby
Leung, Ruby
Leung Ruby
Leung Lai-yung Ruby
Ruby, Leung
Ruby Leung, Lai-yung
Ruby Leung, L.
Quelle (Stand: 24.07.2023): https://www.pnnl.gov/science/staff/staff_info.asp?staff_num=5661
Zeit Wirkungsdaten: 1997-
Land USA (XD-US); Hongkong (XB-HK)
Beruf(e) Atmosphärenwissenschaftlerin
Beziehungen zu Organisationen Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Thematischer Bezug Atmosphäre
Typ Person (piz)
Autor von 93 Publikationen
  1. General circulation models simulate negative liquid water path–droplet number correlations, but anthropogenic aerosols still increase simulated liquid water path
    Enthalten in Atmospheric chemistry and physics Bd. 24, 2024, Nr. 12: 7331-7345. 15 S.
  2. Opinion: Optimizing climate models with process knowledge, resolution, and artificial intelligence
    Enthalten in Atmospheric chemistry and physics Bd. 24, 2024, Nr. 12: 7041-7062. 22 S.
  3. ...
Beteiligt an 9 Publikationen
  1. South Asian monsoon precipitation in CMIP5: a link between inter-model spread and the representations of tropical convection
    In: Climate dynamics 20.3.2018: 1-13
  2. Sources of errors in the simulation of south Asian summer monsoon in the CMIP5 GCMs
    In: Climate dynamics 19.9.2016: 1-31
  3. ...

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