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Veranstaltung Workshop: Turning Points in Democracies - Challenges and Opportunities for the European Union and the United States (2022 : Wuppertal)
Andere Namen Workshop: Turning Points in Democracies - Challenges and Opportunities for the EU and the U.S. (2022 : Wuppertal)
Turning Points in Democracies - Challenges and Opportunities for the European Union and the United States (Veranstaltung : 2022 : Wuppertal)
Turning Points in Democracies - Challenges and Opportunities for the EU and the U.S. (Veranstaltung : 2022 : Wuppertal)
Quelle (Stand: 12.01.2024): https://www.uni-giessen.de/de/fbz/zentren/ggs/ueberuns/presse/newsletter/NewsletterFebruarMaerz2022
(Stand: 12.01.2024): https://www.uni-due.de/imperia/md/content/politik/schwarz/workshop_program_turning_points.pdf
Zeit 31.03.2022-01.04.2022
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (XA-DE-NW)
Geografischer Bezug Veranstaltungsort: Wuppertal
Typ Veranstaltung (vie)
Autor von 1 Publikation
  1. Turning points
    Workshop: Turning Points in Democracies - Challenges and Opportunities for the European Union and the United States (2022 : Wuppertal). - Berlin : De Gruyter, [2024]

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