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1 - 10 von 63
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Artikel 1 Looking Beyond Mortality Prediction: Primary Care Physician Views of Patients' Palliative Care Needs Predicted by a Machine Learning Tool
Enthalten in Applied clinical informatics Bd. 15, 2024, Nr. 03: 460-468
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Artikel 2 Global Carbon Budget 2023
Enthalten in Earth system science data Bd. 15, 2023, Nr. 12: 5301-5369. 69 S.
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Artikel 3 A Multiyear Survey Evaluating Clinician Electronic Health Record Satisfaction
Enthalten in Applied clinical informatics Bd. 14, 2023, Nr. 04: 632-643
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Artikel 4 Association of Primary Care Physicians’ Electronic Inbox Activity Patterns with Patients’ Likelihood to Recommend the Physician
Enthalten in Journal of general internal medicine 20.9.2023: 1-3
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Artikel 5 Global Carbon Budget 2022
Enthalten in Earth system science data Bd. 14, 2022, Nr. 11: 4811-4900. 90 S.
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Artikel 6 Heterogeneity of Drug Allergies and Reaction Lists in Two U.S. Healthcare Systems’ Electronic Health Records
Enthalten in Applied clinical informatics 26.05.2022
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Artikel 7 Occurrence of peritoneal carcinomatosis in patients with rectal cancer undergoing staging pelvic MRI: clinical observations
Enthalten in European radiology 22.3.2022: 1-9
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Artikel 8 Pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms: a 2022 update for radiologists
Enthalten in Abdominal radiology 4.3.2022: 1-9
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Artikel 9 MRI radiomics features of mesorectal fat can predict response to neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy and tumor recurrence in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer
Enthalten in European radiology 29.7.2021: 1-10
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Artikel 10 Reciprocal priming between receptor tyrosine kinases at recycling endosomes orchestrates cellular signalling outputs
Enthalten in European Molecular Biology Organization: The EMBO journal 04.06.2021. 26 S.
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1 - 10 von 63
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