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Ergebnis der Suche nach: per="Etienne," AND per="R." AND Catalog=dnb
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1 - 10 von 365
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Online Ressourcen 1 LISA Galactic Binaries with Astrometry from Gaia DR3
Kupfer, Thomas. - Hannover : Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2024
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Artikel 2 Early Organ Metastasis in Granulomatous Mycosis Fungoides: A Systematic Review
Enthalten in Dermatology Bd. 240, 2024, Nr. 3: 468-473. 6 S.
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Artikel 3 NO<sub>3</sub> reactivity during a summer period in a temperate forest below and above the canopy
Enthalten in Atmospheric chemistry and physics Bd. 24, 2024, Nr. 16: 8983-8997. 15 S.
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Artikel 4 Ensemble estimates of global wetland methane emissions over 2000&ndash;2020
Enthalten in EGUsphere 11.06.2024: 1-27. 27 S.
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Artikel 5 Accelerating the Laser‐Induced Phase Transition in Nanostructured FeRh via Plasmonic Absorption
Enthalten in Advanced functional materials 14.05.2024. 10 S.
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Artikel 6 Coordination of a Phosphine‐Tethered Aminoborane to Group 10 Metals
Enthalten in Chemistry - a European journal 08.05.2024. 8 S.
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Artikel 7 NO<sub>3</sub> reactivity during a summer period in a temperate forest below and above the canopy
Enthalten in EGUsphere 30.04.2024: 1-26. 26 S.
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Artikel 8 Convergence Research and Training in Computational Bioengineering: A Case Study on AI/ML-Driven Biofilm–Material Interaction Discovery
Enthalten in Biomedical engineering education 23.4.2024: 1-12
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Artikel 9 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2-related and imputable deaths in children: results from the French pediatric national registry
Enthalten in World journal of pediatrics 20.3.2024: 1-10
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Artikel 10 Glacial Vermicular Ridge Features on Axel Heiberg Island, Nunavut, Canada
Enthalten in EGUsphere 08.02.2024: 1-28. 28 S.
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1 - 10 von 365
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