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Ergebnis der Suche nach: nid=2134402-4

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Link zu diesem Datensatz https://d-nb.info/gnd/2134402-4
Veranstaltung SCAN (3 : 1991 : Oldenburg (Oldenburg))
Andere Namen International Symposium on Computer Arithmetic and Scientific Computing (3 : 1991 : Oldenburg (Oldenburg))
International IMACS GAMM Symposium on Computer Arithmetic and Scientific Computing (3 : 1991 : Oldenburg (Oldenburg))
International Symposium on Computer Arithmetic and Scientific Computation (3 : 1991 : Oldenburg (Oldenburg))
Symposium SCAN (3 : 1991 : Oldenburg (Oldenburg))
International IMACS-GAMM Symposium on Computer Arithmetic and Scientific Computing (3 : 1991 : Oldenburg)
Computer Arithmetic and Scientific Computing (3 : 1991 : Oldenburg)
Zeit 1991
Land Deutschland (XA-DE)
Vorgänger International Conference on Computer Arithmetic, Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modelling (2 : 1990 : Albena)
Geografischer Bezug Veranstaltungsort: Oldenburg (Oldenburg)
Typ Veranstaltung (vie)
Beteiligt an 1 Publikation
  1. Computer arithmetic and enclosure methods
    Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1992

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