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Ergebnis der Suche nach: "TIEDEMANN" and "Anna"
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

1 - 7 von 7
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Artikel 1 Genome-wide analysis of the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) indicates isolation-by-distance across the North Atlantic and potential local adaptation in adjacent waters
Enthalten in Conservation genetics 22.11.2023: 1-22
Online Ressource
Online Ressourcen 2 Nitrogen Efficiency of Winter Oilseed Rape and its Prediction by Hyperspectral Canopy Reflectance and Electrical Capacitance
Rudloff, Julia Anna Erika Ruth. - Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2016
Online Ressource
Online Ressourcen 3 Spatially Explicit Analysis of Genome-Wide SNPs Detects Subtle Population Structure in a Mobile Marine Mammal, the Harbor Porpoise
Lah, Ljerka. - Potsdam : Universität Potsdam, 2016
Online Ressource
Artikel 4 Grabbe-Jahrbuch 2016
Enthalten in Grabbe-Jahrbuch Bd. 35, 2016
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Online Ressourcen 5 Interaction of engineered metal nanoparticles and porcine gametes
Tiedemann, Daniela Anna Maria. - Hannover : Bibliothek der Tierärztlichen Hochschule Hannover, 2015
Online Ressource
Artikel 6 ABCC5 supports osteoclast formation and promotes breast cancer metastasis to bone
In: Breast cancer research Bd. 14, 22.11.2012, Nr. 6, date:12.2012: 1-16
Online Ressource
Artikel 7 GMP-conformant on-site manufacturing of a CD133+ stem cell product for cardiovascular regeneration
In: Stem cell research & therapy Bd. 8, 10.2.2017, Nr. 1, date:12.2017: 1-15
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1 - 7 von 7
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