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Artikel 1 Mentalisierungsbasierte Gruppentherapie bei Erwachsenen mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störung
Enthalten in Psychotherapie im Dialog Bd. 21, 2020, Nr. 03: 71-76
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Artikel 2 Interrupted Time Experience in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Empirical Evidence from Content Analysis
Enthalten in Journal of autism and developmental disorders 3.10.2018: 1-12
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Artikel 3 Flow and structure of time experience – concept, empirical validation and implications for psychopathology
Enthalten in Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences 8.5.2018: 1-24
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Artikel 4 Brief Report: Reduced Optimism Bias in Self-Referential Belief Updating in High-Functioning Autism
Enthalten in Journal of autism and developmental disorders 18.10.2016: 1-9
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Artikel 5 Adults with Asperger syndrome are less sensitive to intonation than control persons when listening to speech
In: Culture and brain 9.4.2016: 1-13
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