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Ergebnis der Suche nach: tit all "Noise in Amplifiers"
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

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Online Ressourcen 1 Ultra compact multi-standard low-noise amplifiers in 28 nm CMOS with inductive peaking
Sobotta, Elena. - Dresden : Technische Universität Dresden, 2020
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Artikel 2 Development of noise model for InAsSb MOSFETs and their application in low noise amplifiers
In: Microsystem technologies 13.6.2017: 1-8
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Online Ressourcen 3 In-circuit-measurement of parasitic elements in high gain high bandwidth low noise transimpedance amplifiers
Cochems, P.. - Hannover : Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2014
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Online Ressourcen 4 Wideband Low Noise Amplifiers Exploiting Thermal Noise Cancellation
New York, NY : Springer US, 2005
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Artikel 5 Modeling of spontaneous emission noise in erbium-doped fibre amplifiers using the Green functions method
Enthalten in Annals of telecommunications Bd. 49, Nr. 9-10, date:9.1994: 490-498
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Online Ressourcen 6 Low-Noise Wide-Band Amplifiers in Bipolar and CMOS Technologies
Boston, MA : Springer US, 1991
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Artikel 7 Model for noise processes in semiconductor laser amplifiers
Enthalten in Optical and quantum electronics Bd. 23, Nr. 6, date:7.1991: 755-773
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Artikel 8 Variable-temperature loads for use in accurate noise measurements of cryogenically-cooled microwave amplifiers and mixers
Enthalten in International journal of infrared and millimeter waves Bd. 7, Nr. 4, date:4.1986: 543-553
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Artikel 9 Noise considerations in opto-electronic wideband amplifiers
Enthalten in Optical and quantum electronics Bd. 2, Nr. 2, date:5.1970: 103-106
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Artikel 10 Quantum-limited measurements of intensity noise levels in Yb-doped fiber amplifiers
Enthalten in Applied physics / B / Lasers and optics Bd. 126, 9.7.2020, Nr. 8, date:8.2020: 1-7
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