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Ergebnis der Suche nach: tit all "Relational Linear Programming"
im Bestand: Gesamter Bestand

1 - 4 von 4
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Online Ressourcen 1 Fuzzy Relational Mathematical Programming
Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2020, 1st edition 2020
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Artikel 2 Integrated grey relational analysis and multi objective grey linear programming for sustainable electricity generation planning
In: Annals of operations research 30.6.2017: 1-29
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Artikel 3 Sets and indices in linear programming modelling and their integration with relational data models
Enthalten in Computational optimization and applications Bd. 4, Nr. 3, date:7.1995: 263-283
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Artikel 4 A Novel Mixed Integer Linear Programming Model for Clustering Relational Networks
Enthalten in Journal of optimization theory and applications Bd. 176, 5.1.2018, Nr. 2, date:2.2018: 492-508
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1 - 4 von 4
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